What does hell look like?

A person after his death can go to hell or to heaven, it all depends on what kind of life he led on earth. Doing bad deeds and breaking the commandments, you can not expect to rise into the clouds. Since no one has been able to return from the world, how to look like hell, you can only guess. Therefore, each of the existing opinions takes place.

How does hell look like in reality?

In Christianity, hell is considered a place where sinners bear their eternal punishment. The Bible says that God created it and sent Satan and other fallen angels there. The most terrible violence is the moral torment that punish sinners. Hell is described as a place of terrible torture, where the soul of a sinner eternally burns in flames.

What does hell look like in literature?

In Ireland, in 1149, lived a monk, considered to be a number of elected High Powers. He wrote a treatise "The Vision of the Tundahl", where he described how the real hell looks. Based on his words, this dark place represents a plain of huge size, dotted with burning coals. On it there are lattices, where demons torment sinners. Even representatives of evil spirits use sharp hooks to tear the bodies of pagans and heretics. In his treatise, a monk describes a bridge passing over a pit, where there are monsters wishing to receive another victim.

In 1667, John Milton - the poet of England published the poem "Paradise Lost." According to him, hell has such kinds: complete darkness, a flame that does not give light and ice deserts, struck by hail.

The most detailed and popular image of hell is offered by the poet Dante Alighieri in his work "The Divine Comedy." The author describes the place for the fallen souls in the form of a pit to the center of the earth, having a spiral shape. She appeared at a time when Satan fell from heaven. Portal to hell looks like a huge gate, behind which is a plain with souls, not committing serious sins . Then comes the river that surrounds all hell. He, according to Dante, consists of 9 circles, each of which is intended for a certain category of sinners:

  1. Here live unbaptized infants and righteous pagans. These sinners are spared from pangs.
  2. This level is intended for those who violated the commandment - "Do not commit adultery". Souls are always chasing the wind.
  3. Here there are gluttons. On this circle of hell there is always rain and hail, and a three-headed dog bites off pieces of flesh from sinners.
  4. This circle is for greedy and extravagant people. They will have to carry huge blocks for eternity.
  5. Here there is the river Styx, on the shores of which are morose and angry people in the swamp. The first constantly cry, and the second tear each other apart.
  6. On this circle there is a plain with a huge number of burning graves. Here heretics are tormented.
  7. On this circle is a bloody river with the souls of rapists and murderers. On the river bank there is also a forest with small trees, which are suicides.
  8. Here is an amphitheater with the souls of liars and scammers. Demons beat them with whips, and pour hot resin.
  9. Here it is Satan, punishing the most terrible sinners.

How to look really hell in painting?

Many artists tried on their canvases to convey the image of the most terrible place on earth. Seeing the pictures you can try to imagine the appearance of hell. This topic in their work affected a huge number of artists of different times. For example, hell was the favorite theme of the Dutch author Hieronymus Bosch. He portrayed in his paintings terrible torture and much fire. It is worth mentioning the famous fresco by Luca Signorelli under the title "Last Judgment". This artist considers the process of destiny to be hell. In 2003, the Korean author Jiang Itzi painted several works from the series "Pictures of Hell."