Rashes on the face of women - causes

The presence of acne or acne in adolescence and adolescence is understandable and quickly passes. Anxiety is caused by stable rashes on the face of women - the causes of this cosmetic problem already in adulthood, usually consist of violations of the internal organs and systems. Moreover, the rash may indicate the development of chronic diseases.

External causes of rashes on the face in adult women

To find out the factors that cause the defect, it is important to carefully analyze your habits, to study the composition of the used hygienic and cosmetic products.

Eruptions on the face of adult women can provoke:

These problems can be solved independently, without even consulting the dermatologist.

Internal causes of rash on the face of women

If external circumstances do not exactly provoke the pathology in question, you should pay attention to your health. Rash is a symptom of many diseases:

The most common cause of cosmetic defect is hormonal imbalance. It can occur against the background:

Hormonal rashes on the face of women look like small white pimples (comedones), located, mainly around the mouth, on the chin and forehead.

Independently to find out the reason of a problem it is difficult, therefore it is desirable to address to several experts for complex inspection, to hand over sketch scrapings and a smear on bacterial crops, to spend ultrasonic diagnostics.