Scenery of Halloween

More and more often this holiday is celebrated by the whole family. In schools and colleges there are traditions to change clothes and make noisy parties. Noisy and fun to celebrate Halloween will help you pre-prepared script.

Halloween script for children

First you need to prepare a room for a party. There are a lot of simple ways to do this:

These tips will come in handy not only for children's evenings. Such a decor of the room is quite appropriate for the meeting of Halloween with an adult audience.

The Halloween scenario for children should be as thoughtful as possible. Children are very mobile and they need a lot of movement and bright emotions for them. Do not forget about the alternation of mobile contests and rest intervals. If you are preparing a Halloween script at school, be sure to discuss everything with your parents and consult with the children. Quite often adults ignore the opinion of children, which leads to disagreements.

Here are some games and contests that you can include in the Halloween scenario at school:

  1. Try to hold a contest for the most horrible howl or roar. Arrange the test, who is stronger stomping feet, who better depicts the animal. Children are very fond of when for a while you can move away from the rules and scream in plenty.
  2. You can hold a very simple and cheerful contest with dancing. The adult shows the movements, and the children follow him. Competition for attention and concentration.
  3. From a piece of linoleum or a thick cardboard cut out "bumps". On these hummocks children will need to cross the swamp. The child is standing with two hummocks in his hands, moving the hummocks one by one forward, it is necessary to pass through the entire swamp. This is an excellent relay game.

Similar contests may well be useful when writing a Halloween script for teenagers, in fact, such games without age and well raise the mood.

Scenario Halloween for students

You can cheer on students not only with loud music and dancing. Scenario of a party for Halloween for such an audience is simply necessary, otherwise everything will be boring and it will not be much different from the usual party.

You can use very old and well-known contests that will be held "hurray" at all times:

  1. Tail of the ass. On the big piece of the paper we draw the silhouette of the donkey, separately it is necessary to make a tail for it. Players with blindfolds should attach the tail to the "right place". The winner takes the tail.
  2. An apple from a bucket. Very old and cheerful contest. Participants of the two teams must take turns to catch hands without apples from a bucket of water.
  3. Very effectively you can amuse the audience with a "magic" show . To do this, you need to prepare in advance: on the sheet of paper you need to write any word ("horror", "fear") with phenolphthalein. When everything is dry, we prepare the alkali solution. "Magician" with a wave of magic sprinkles this solution on paper and a written word appears.

No matter where you decide to host Halloween, the main thing is to make it fun and organized. A pre-prepared Halloween script will help "keep your hand on the pulse" and create a great mood for everyone.