Isabeli Fontana married for the third time

33-year-old Isabeli Fontana and her boyfriend 31-year-old Diego Ferrero tied themselves by marriage on August 8, arranging a fabulous ceremony in the Maldives.

Attempt number three

Despite his youth, behind Isabeli Fontana's already two unsuccessful unions, which disintegrated two years after the registration of the relationship. Despite the burden of the past, the beautiful woman continued to believe that she would certainly meet her prince.

In 2013, after learning about the new novel of Victoria's Secret with the frontman of the Brazilian rock band NxZero, the fans of the model considered these relations hopeless, but, as time showed, they were very wrong.

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Tropical Wedding

The network has the first shots of the celebration on the shores of the Indian Ocean, published by the newlyweds and their guests on the pages of Instagram. Judging by the photos, the holiday turned out to be colorful and romantic, and Fontana herself looked great against the backdrop of picturesque Maldivian landscapes in a frank, transparent wedding dress adorned with shiny embroidery. May you live happily ever after!