How to teach a child to chew?

The sucking reflex seems to have been overcome for a long time, but the kid stubbornly ignores pieces of food and uses his teeth not for the intended purpose. Mom's anxiety in this case is certainly understandable, because the rejection of solid food creates problems not only at home, but also in the kindergarten where no one will make a special puree to the baby, if only he does not remain hungry. What to do if the child does not chew? We will try to find out the reasons for this behavior and to make friends with the beautiful products that need to be chewed.

The child does not want to chew - what's the reason?

The problem, in which the child does not chew food, has appeared in many modern mothers relatively recently. The shelves of children's shops are full of all sorts of ready-made products and it is very convenient when you can not waste time and energy giving the baby a porridge or fruit puree from a jar. Moreover, many mothers may object that the baby has few teeth and with solid food, he can damage the gum. On the one hand, they are right, but on the other - the baby grows and gradually begins to understand - why work with the jaw, if you can whine a couple of times and cherished light food will again be cooked by a compassionate mother? As a result, the situation turns out when the child is 2 years old, and he does not chew solid food and recognizes only the porridge menu.

Now think about this fact: the lack of solid food facilitates the work of the digestive tract, which reduces the flow of blood to the internal organs. As a result, the child will begin to have problems with bowel movement. In addition, the baby will be disturbed by the formation of an occlusion, which can also lead to unpleasant consequences. That is why it is necessary to accustom your child to solid food as quickly as possible. And it will not be difficult to do this. It is important only to have a little patience.

Learning to Chew

Eat solid foods, the baby starts closer to the year. Before entering into the child's menu a rough diet, it is important to wait until he has a full set of teeth. Or at least its main part. Since teaching a baby to chew is not an easy task, gain strength of will and put the child in such conditions, if you want, you do not want to, and you have to chew something besides mashed potatoes. Where to start and what to do, some tips will help:

  1. Give a personal example. Get some safe tasty, like marmalade or marshmallow. Shake it in front of the child. When he asks her too, arrange what you give only if he chews as well.
  2. If the child is already older than a year, break or discard in his eyes the thing through which you usually wipe food. To the kid promise in the near future to buy a new one, and while it is not, offer yourself to chop yourself food with a spoon or fork. If a child chews badly because of laziness, then sooner will also be lazy to crush food. So chewing solid pieces is just around the corner.
  3. Another way to teach a child how to chew food is to simply stop giving him a mash. The measure is quite decisive and requires an unbending character. However, having got into the conditions "either solid food, or nothing," the child quickly selects the first option. In addition, this method is great to get rid of manipulation, when the baby does not specifically chew food.
  4. If a child does not know how to chew, and home examples do not do him good, you should go out with him to the street and snack there often. While the age of the child copies the behavior of others, lead him to children's cafes, picnics or other places of public catering. There, nobody will listen to his whims, and the example in the form of chewing children will very soon become contagious.

Faced with the problem of how to teach a child to chew, try not to panic and not go on about the baby. Do not show him that something is wrong with him and leave useless waste of time talking and talking with the child. Show personal examples, interest, prepare new colorful and interesting dishes and do not feel sorry for the crumb who builds from himself an unfortunate victim. In the cause of upbringing, the firmness of character is always needed. And let it help you in such a difficult situation.