Beyoncé sets a record for pregnancy

Yesterday's announcement of Beyonce's pregnancy became the number one topic not only in the news feeds. Candid post singer, who showed a round tummy, made a real sensation in social networks, becoming the most popular photo in Instagram.

Pregnant twins

On February 1, a sensational photo appeared on the page of the 35-year-old Beyonce, in which she poses in her underwear against the background of a huge bouquet, hugging her pregnant belly with her hands.

The signature to the photo aroused even greater delight among celebrity subscribers. It follows from this that Beyoncé and Jay Z will become parents at once for two crumbs.

Photo of the pregnant Beyonce

Record-holder for "hearts"

The publication of the future mother in Instagram has already licked more than 7 million people and this figure continues to grow by the hour. Thus, a picture of Beyonce moved a photograph of 24-year-old Selena Gomez from the pedestal, on which she sips Coca-Cola slowly through a straw. Since last summer, this shot received 6.3 million votes.

Snapshot from Instagram Selena Gomez

Deserved happiness

Insiders say that Beyonce and Jay Zee could not conceive a baby, whom they really wanted, naturally, for a long time. Spouses raising a 5-year-old daughter turned to the family planning center, where they were helped to get pregnant with the help of advanced assisted reproductive technology. As is often the case with in vitro fertilization, two embryos settled in the womb of the singer, which Beyonce and Jay Zi could not even dream about.

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We join the numerous congratulations to the star family.

Beyonce and Jay Zee with daughter