Passed love

"The idea that everything earthly is not eternal, infinitely cruel and endlessly comforting"

Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

Before you think about whether love can pass, remember that nothing in this world disappears, only it is transformed. And love, too, never passes without a trace. Sometimes it turns into friendship, sometimes - into hatred, and sometimes - in remembrance or habit. Maybe it's time to unleash a knot of relationships to go further, but how do you understand that this time has come? How to know that love has passed, and indeed, if it passes, if true. We will talk about this today.

How to understand that love has passed?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question: why does love pass. This can be caused by external factors (distance, chronic material problems, gossip, etc.), as well as your internal changes. First love, as a rule, does not pass quickly, precisely because it has little to do with external factors, but inside we keep this feeling long and true, because it is connected with new ones that are new to us, but such inviting senses.

So, how to understand if your love has passed:

After what time does love pass?

How quickly love passes depends, of course, on the original strength of the senses. However, the notorious crises (3, 7 and more years) are not at all gravestones on love. It is rather a time of rethinking and transition to a new stage of relations. But sometimes it happens that it is at this time from the depths of the soul emerges devastating and at the same time oppressive feeling that you no longer love this person. What's next?

Love has passed, what to do?

How often, feeling the death of love, we cling to the feelings that allow us to return the illusion of love - memories. We scroll past, evoking warm feelings and fear in ourselves. The fear of not repeating it. However, it is worth considering: you are satisfied with the repetition in the past tense? All that you remember is the past, the present is the fact that love has passed. And you will always have to live (!) In the present tense. So do not let yourself be deceived. Living with a man whom you do not love by sacrificing yourself, you only humiliate him, and make yourself unhappy. Go forward, rejoice, fall in love, love and be loved ...