Kitchen-living room design in a private house

New in the design and architecture of modern private houses - a kitchen and living room, combined in a common space. This solution allows not only to significantly expand the working area used for cooking, but also to ensure the multifunctionality of the formed space, increases the possibility of more convenient operation, which has undeniable conveniences.

In a private house built according to a modern design, most kitchens are combined with a living room, which allows the hostess to simultaneously prepare food and pay attention to children or guests present in the area intended for rest and eating.

Taking into account that each of these zones carries functional and technological features, uniting the living room and kitchen into a single space, it is necessary to take into account the rules for zoning . The dining room-living room-kitchen design variant, which is used in a private house, should be a single whole solution for the entire dwelling, but the areas for cooking and recreation should be clearly delineated.

Interior design of kitchen-living room

Combining a kitchen with a living room in a private house, you need to carefully consider the design of the interior of each zone, so that as a result there is no room, just larger in size.

In order to decide how to decorate the living room kitchen in a private house, you need to learn a few basic rules. One of the most important rules in the arrangement of kitchen-studio is to avoid monotony in the interior.

A variety of shades, harmoniously combined, bright and saturated colors, are more suitable for the zone used in cooking. In the area used for recreation, it is preferable to use calm pastel tones, allowing you to feel some relaxation and peace.

Uniting elements can serve as decorative decorations, made in the same color scheme, located on the walls of the kitchen and living room.