Pain in the intestines

Probably, very few people can say that they do not know what the pain in the intestines is. Unpleasant feelings can be disturbed at the most unexpected moment, they can remind themselves of themselves constantly, but most importantly - they bring huge discomfort to our life and disrupt its normal rhythm.

The intestines hurt - what should I do?

First of all, with any unusual sensations in the abdomen, it is worth considering that painful spasms or aching pain can be the result of many diseases not related to the intestines. A visit to a doctor will help to exclude or reveal the causes of pain. It is recommended that you seek medical help immediately if you feel:

As a temporary relief, you can take an antispasmodic, for example, a pill no-shpy.

Pain in the intestines - symptoms

How do you know what the intestines are hurting and what are the symptoms? With the exception of the lesion of the transverse colon, which is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the intestines after eating, all intestinal diseases are characterized by pain that is not associated with eating. Painful symptoms are accompanied by the following problems of the intestinal tract and are of an appropriate nature:

  1. Intestinal colic is a pain of a spasmodic nature that occurs with a sharp contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestine. Such pains occur with colitis, enteritis, enterobiasis, poisoning. In some cases, neurotic pain in the intestine may occur. Temporary relief may occur after bowel evacuation.
  2. Aching pains are less intense, but have a permanent character, can intensify with exertion, sudden exhalation or coughing. Such pain in the intestine can occur with inflammation, tumors, intestinal obstruction, flatulence (with increased gas formation, swelling and pain in the intestine).
  3. Drawing pain, which is aggravated by sharp changes in position, lifting of heavy objects, tension, emptying of the intestine may indicate an evolving adhesion process in the intestine.

Treatment of pain in the intestines

Each bowel disease has its own principle of treatment, and the methods are radically different from each other, despite the fact that the same organ hurts. Sometimes it is enough to take an antispasmodic or sorbent to ease the painful condition, and sometimes surgery is required. If the causes of pain in the intestines are not caused by serious illnesses, they can be eliminated at home, having previously consulted with the doctor:

  1. Most likely, it is necessary to observe a certain diet for pains in the intestines, caused by irritable bowel syndrome. This is, first of all, food containing fiber and pectins. Such substances improve peristalsis.
  2. Also, with some pains in the intestines, herbs that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help: St. John's wort, sage, chamomile.
  3. In inflammatory processes of an infectious nature, you need to take a course of antibiotic, which will appoint a doctor.
  4. If the pain in the intestines is accompanied by diarrhea, it is worthwhile replenishing the body's water-salt balance by taking a physiological (saline) solution.

Never hesitate to talk about problems with the intestines to the doctor. After all, the cause of pain can be very serious illness. A correct diagnosis will ensure prompt and effective treatment, and reluctance to seek medical help can lead to very negative consequences.