Garden swings from metal with their own hands

To make something pleasant to the eye and useful for your site is often obtained from the simplest and most accessible materials. It is not necessary to go to the market of building materials to build a garden swing made of metal. Many are coping with this task with the help of an old scrap.

How to make a garden swing from the chain?

The simplest option is to use recycled materials. In our case, we'll take the iron chain, a little bit of fasteners and the usual tire from the car. Let's start:

  1. To make such garden self-made swing from metal we will need to get a tire, buy carbines and a hook, and also a metal chain. We will hang all this magnificence either on a branch of a tree, or we will acquire special strong belts and fasten them between trees.
  2. The first step in making a garden swing of metal with your own hands in this way is to make a hole for the hook.
  3. To the hook we will attach the carbine and already to it the chain.
  4. Such hooks we need three: our task is to arrange them at equal distances, so that in future the garden garden swings from the metal do not slope to one side.
  5. Well and further business remains for small: we fasten a chain and we suspend a ready design.

How to make garden swings from garden furniture?

It is possible that you can build a new one from parts of the old one. If you have on the site remained a metal frame from the garden swing, but there is no seat, it is quite possible to build it from old garden furniture. Here we will need a hacksaw and a little skill:

  1. The dimensions of the garden swing from the metal are standard and usually the frame itself is much more durable than the seat. It is not so difficult to build it: these are two A-shaped welded frames with a baffle for stiffness, they are connected together by a pipe in the upper part.
  2. Manufacturing of garden swings from metal in this case consists in search of garden chairs. Ideally, these are metal chairs, which can be welded to the frame. If you did not find one, you can always take a plastic one and fasten it with bolts.
  3. It is important that it is the dimensions of the garden swing made of metal that match the dimensions of the seats. Next, we cut off the legs and fix the structure. If desired, you can remove the side parts and make one solid construction.

As you can see, to build a garden swing from metal by your own hands, you do not always need to buy expensive material, but you can always build something new from the old one, long forgotten in the shed.