Trichomonas colpitis - drugs and herbs for quick treatment

Among gynecological diseases, trichomonas colpitis occupies a separate place. This pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the vaginal cavity, which can pass to the female's internal genitalia. A bright clinical picture allows to identify the disease in the early stages.

Trichomonas colpitis - causes

Trichomonas colpitis in women is provoked by a unicellular flagellate microorganism - Trichomonas . This pathogen actively multiplies in the external environment, so when it penetrates the reproductive system, the first symptoms do not make you wait. Initially, Trichomonas is attached to the mucous membrane of the vagina, from which it can penetrate into the deep layers of the epithelium, which is accompanied by a pathological reaction from the body.

Trichomonas colpitis, symptoms and treatment in women are described below, develops some time after the appearance of the pathogen in the reproductive system. Increase the risk of infection with Trichomonas following factors:

How is trichomonas colpitis transmitted?

The main way to transfer trichomonads is sexual. When sex with an infected partner without the use of barrier contraception, infection occurs in 100% of cases (condom use reduces the risk by 4 times). Often, and girls are found trichomonas colpitis - a household method of infection is also possible. In this case, the pathogen enters the reproductive system if the rules of personal hygiene are violated (using someone else's towels).

Trichomonas colpitis in women - symptoms

In most cases, trichomonas colpitis, the symptoms of which are indicated below, has an acute onset. Suddenly, a woman notices the appearance of itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina. When examined, there is swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the vulva. These symptoms appear as early as 3 days after infection. Among other signs indicating a trichomonas colpitis, it is necessary to distinguish:

Isolation of trichomonas colpitis

This kind of specific colpitis, trichomoniasis, is always accompanied by pathological discharges from the vaginal cavity. They are abundant, often have a yellowish tinge. Their distinctive feature is a foamy structure and an unpleasant odor. It is caused by a feature of the vital activity of trichomonads, which produce estrogens, carbon dioxide. With the simultaneous presence in the vagina and other pathogenic microflora, the color of the discharge can be changed to white or green.

This symptomatology gives a woman discomfort. Vaginal discharge is almost always accompanied by burning and itching. They are caused by the ability of trichomonads to advance, thanks to the presence of flagella. Burning and itching intensify in the morning and evening hours. At this time, there is a peak in the motor activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Trichomonas colpitis - diagnosis

Because of the bright clinical picture, the disease is diagnosed at an early stage - a woman turns to the gynecologist herself with the appearance of pathological discharge. Given this feature, chronic trichomonas colpitis develops rarely: if the prescribed course of therapy is not followed, the drug is not properly selected. Define the disease experienced doctor can after the first examination in the gynecological chair. To confirm his assumptions, he assigns the following laboratory tests:

Trichomonas colpitis - treatment

Treatment of Trichomonas colpitis in women is a long process. Often, non-compliance with medical prescriptions and recommendations leads to a relapse of pathology. In addition, repeated trichomoniasis can develop when the sexual partner does not undergo a course of therapy. In general, treatment of the disease should be based on the following conditions:

Candles from Trichomonas Colpitis

In order to determine how to treat trichomonas colpitis in women, doctors prescribe a preliminary examination to establish the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. Preference is given to vaginal suppositories. This form of the drug facilitates its use, dosing, and the effect due to local effects on the affected vaginal mucosa is achieved more quickly. When treating a disease such as trichomonas colpitis, the treatment regimen is made individually. In doing so, apply:

Trichomonas colpitis in women - treatment with pills

As part of complex therapy, tablets are also used for trichomonas colpitis. Often used antibacterial drugs that have a systemic effect. After the course of therapy, the results are monitored. When the trichomonads are re-discovered, the drug is changed, the dosage is revised.

Among the medicines used for trichomonas colpitis, it is worth mentioning Metronidazole . This medicine is effective against trichomonads and other pathogens that accompany trichomoniasis. Metronidazole from trichomonas colpitis is used as part of complex therapy and is selected taking into account the severity of the disease and its stage. To cure Trichomonas colpitis, you can use alternative antibiotics:

Trichomonas colpitis in women - treatment with folk remedies

Telling patients how to treat trichomonas colpitis, doctors note the effectiveness of individual folk recipes. They are used as a supplement to the main therapeutic course. Among the effective folk remedies for trichomoniasis, we note the following.

Infusion of Trichomonas Colpitis


Preparation, application

  1. Herbs are mixed, poured with boiling water.
  2. Set up 5 hours.
  3. Used for douching in the morning.

Wormwood bitter from trichomoniasis


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist for 1 hour.
  3. Take inside half a cup 3 times a day.

How to understand that Trichomonas colpitis is cured?

Having learned about how to cure trichomonas colpitis, women are often interested in information about the cure criteria. Often occurs so that the course of therapy is already completed, and in the body there are individual Trichomonases, which under certain conditions can cause a relapse. To prevent this from happening, doctors consider the following factors, which are a signal for stopping therapy:

  1. Absence of trichomonads in smears and discharge from the urethra, vagina and cervix.
  2. Good results of clinical and laboratory studies during 2-3 menstrual cycles.

Treatment of Trichomonas Colpitis in Pregnant Women

Because of a decrease in immunity in carrying the fetus, trichomoniasis can develop in pregnant women. Trichomonas colpitis during pregnancy requires careful attention from doctors, as fraught with complications. Antibiotics in the early stages do not apply. Among the drugs used to combat trichomonas in pregnant women , use Pimafucin and Nystatin. These drugs do not have high efficacy against this pathogen, but they significantly improve the general well-being of the expectant mother.