Kizil - useful properties

Dogwood has been used for a long time as a remedy. From it they make jam, compotes, dry berries and leaves, which retain their valuable qualities. Dogwood, whose useful properties are discussed further, is actively used to combat various problems.

Than the dogwood is useful?

The value of berries lies in the presence of a mass of substances important for humans. These include vitamins (A, ascorbic acid), minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium), essential oils, glycosides. The rich composition of the cornel made it possible to use it to combat many diseases:

  1. Due to the presence of pectins, the use of dried and fresh cornel berries helps to rid the body of metabolic products.
  2. Active components of berries help to normalize the work of the heart, the process of blood supply to the brain. Therefore, they are often advised to use to relieve headaches and treat early stages of sclerosis.
  3. Compresses from the corneled leaves of the dogwood effectively cope with skin diseases (dermatosis, rash, eczema).
  4. Decoction of berries is recommended as a diuretic and cholagogue. He is also advised to drink with diarrhea.
  5. The cornel bones also have healing properties. Prepared their decoction is useful for calming the nervous system, because it is used for mental disorders.
  6. The fruits of the plant help to fight hemorrhoids. In this case, corn is used for internal use, in the form of microclysters, trays and lotions.

Dried cornelian - useful properties

Dried fruits retain almost all the valuable qualities of berries, because their help is used to treat a variety of diseases:

  1. Due to the ability of the product to reduce blood sugar, it is advised to add to the diet for diabetes .
  2. Regular consumption of fruits relieves skin problems, helps to fill the deficiency of vitamins and overcome pain in the joints.
  3. The lotions made from broth of cornel berries are effective at a headache.
  4. The presence of iron and other important elements tones up the walls of the vessels and replenishes the hemoglobin deficiency, which is especially important in pregnancy.
  5. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties and the presence of vitamin C, berries help to cope with the common cold and improve immunity .

But what else is useful dried dogwood: the pectins contained with the product contribute to the removal of toxins and the normalization of the work of the stomach. This same property made it possible to use fruits as a preventive component in the probability of lead poisoning.

Kizil dried - useful properties

The dried fruits are rich in phytoncides, substances that have an antimicrobial effect. Therefore, the systematic ingestion of dogwood prevents infection of the body with infections.

Kizil is advised to include in the diet wishing to lose weight, as berries accelerate metabolism and normalize the process of assimilation of fats.

Since cornelian is characterized by the ability to increase hemoglobin in the blood, its use prevents the development of anemia.

The properties of dried and dried fruits are almost identical. Therefore, the choice of method for storing berries depends only on personal preferences.

Dogwood - contraindications

The fruits of dogwood, in addition to useful properties, also have contraindications.

Due to the presence of acids in berries, they are not recommended for people who have excessive gastric acidity, gastritis and ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. At the same time, any forms of cornel are forbidden: jam, juice, dried and dried fruits.

Since the product has a clear toning effect, it can not be taken to people prone to excessive nervous excitability.