Cabbage juice is good and bad

Although almost everybody uses cabbage, the juice from it is not so well known as juices from other vegetables (carrot, tomato). Cabbage is a very juicy product, and all useful substances enter the juice, and the waste consists mainly of coarse fiber. Thus, we get an easy-to-stomach, low-calorie drink with a high vitamin content.

Composition of cabbage juice

Use for the production of juice can be any kind of cabbage, although the content of useful substances in them is different. So, 100 grams of white cabbage juice contains 50% of the daily norm of vitamin C and 63% of vitamin K. In addition, the juice contains:

In the juice of red cabbage, the content of vitamin C is (66% of the daily norm), and in addition it includes an anthocyanic substance, which gives the cabbage a red tint, and at the same time is a powerful antioxidant.

Most vitamins and minerals in Brussels sprouts, the juice from which completely covers the needs of the body in vitamin C, and almost completely - in the vitamins of group B.

Also, cabbage juice contains methylmethionine (vitamin U).

What is useful for cabbage juice?

Cabbage juice is an effective remedy for gastritis, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. This is due to the content of vitamin U - a substance not synthesized by the body, which has antiulcer action and promotes healing of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cabbage juice has blood-resilience properties, both with external and internal application. Promotes healing of wounds and abrasions.

Cabbage juice has an antimicrobial effect and promotes softening of sputum, which is useful for catarrhal diseases, angina, staphylococcal infection .

Cabbage juice normalizes metabolism, improves nutrition of cartilaginous tissue and synovial membrane, therefore it is useful for the prevention of diseases of the joints and spine.

The benefit of cabbage juice for the body as a whole, in the absence of specific diseases, lies in its ability to stimulate the cleavage and excretion of toxins and toxins.

It is most effective to drink freshly squeezed juice, without any additives (salt, sugar) to improve the taste. Take juice half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day, half a cup or glass. The course of treatment is undesirable to continue for more than 1 month.

Contraindications and side effects of cabbage juice

Reception of cabbage juice is often accompanied by increased gas formation, which can cause discomfort, bloating, flatulence. In addition, it has a laxative effect. To avoid this, it is enough to limit the intake of juice with two glasses a day, and start therapy with 1 cup (200 ml) per day.

There are also a number of diseases in which the use of cabbage juice is not recommended, and the harm from taking it considerably exceeds the possible benefits:

Cabbage juice for the face

In addition to the undoubted benefits of ingestion, cabbage juice - a great cosmetic for the face, providing beneficial effects on the skin:

  1. For oily skin use a mixture of cabbage juice with beaten egg whites in equal proportion.
  2. For normal skin and used cabbage juice in its pure form. The gauze moistened in it is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. For dry skin, cabbage juice is mixed with olive oil and whipped egg whites.

Such masks have a nutritional effect, help from purulent eruptions and remove pigment spots on the skin.