Growing of thuja from seeds at home

Evergreen tuya has long been deserved recognition in the world of landscape designers, and just lovers without much trouble improve their site. The vegetative propagation method was the most popular, but growing of thuja from seeds is quite possible at home. Our leadership will be able to verify this.

Growing tui at home

Step 1 - Preparation of the seed

The first step is to prepare the seeds of thuja. To do this, you need the ripe cones of this plant, which should be carefully cut from the tree, along with small patches of twigs. Cones are placed in a warm room with diffuse lighting and left until completely dry. After that, carefully extract the seeds from them and wrap them in a damp cloth. It should be noted that the seeds of tuya lose their germination very quickly, so it is desirable to sow them immediately.

Step 2 - sowing seeds

For the cultivation of thujas from seeds at home, any pots that are in the household, such as flower pots, are suitable. They should be filled with any light and nutritious soil containing humus or peat. At the bottom of the pot, you must put a layer of drainage to avoid stagnation of water and decay of the roots. The earth in the pot should be properly moistened, sown in it seeds, sprinkled with a layer of peat or sawdust in 0,5-1 cm and gently compacted with a wooden bar.

Step 3 - care for crops

Appearance of the first shoots of thuja should be expected no earlier than in 20-30 days. At the same time, one must be prepared for the fact that these shoots will not much resemble adult plants. Immediately after poklevyvaniya containers with seedlings are rearranged in a well-lit cool place where they will pass the stage of hardening. Care for seedlings tuya is the periodic moistening of the soil in the pot, spraying and applying fertilizing.