Why do you dream of the dead?

Seeing the deceased in a dream, many people feel anxiety and begin to prepare mentally for trouble. Thanks to the proposed interpretations you can confirm or refute your feelings. To do this, try to remember the basic details of the plot and the emotional component.

Why do you dream of the dead?

If a deceased person gives you money , then soon problems and problems will arise, but it will happen because of excessive credulity. Sleep, where you see the deceased, is a recommendation that you should protect your reputation and carefully think through your decisions. Kissing a deceased person in a dream is a favorable sign that promises the successful completion of all the cases started. If the deceased calls with you, then soon you or one of the relatives may die. Night vision, where you wash the deceased, recalls that it is worth spending more time on your own health.

Why do the dead people dream of living?

Basically, such a dream is a warning about the occurrence of troubles, which should be expected in the near future. In one of the dream books the living dead is a symbol of the onset of a new life stage. If you see how the dead rise from the coffin, then you can expect the arrival of guests. Night vision, where you kiss a deceased person, indicates that you are feeling guilty about it in reality. It can also be a symbol of changes that will occur in the near future.

Why often does the deceased dream?

Many dream writers consider this phenomenon a reminder of something important in life. Try to think in a quiet environment about what you could forget.

Why do the relatives-deceased constantly dream?

Talking to the deceased father is a warning of failure in the case. If you saw the mother, then, soon, there will be a disease. The dream in which the deceased brother or sister figured indicates that soon someone will ask for help.