Lagenaria: cultivation

This annual plant of the pumpkin family has many other names: a bottle, Indian cucumber, a pumpkin. Lagenariya began to be used by man for food and for making pottery long before our era. She took her beginning from the tropics of the Old World, then spread to almost all subtropical and tropical countries. From the American continent across the ocean, its seeds were transferred to other continents. Subsequently, it was proved by experience that the seeds of lagenarii can exist in water for up to two years and not lose their germination.

The fruits of lagenarii are valuable for their pleasant taste, they contain many vitamins and trace elements, they possess medicinal and dietary properties. Young fruits of lagenariya ordinary taste like cucumbers, but a bit sour. However, the largest delicacy is caviar from the lagenaria zucchini. The peculiarity of this vegetable is that if only a part of the fruit is needed for use, then it can be cut off without tearing the fetus. The site of the cut quickly hardens, and the fruit continues to grow further.

How to grow lagenarii?

Lagenariya is a powerful liana, the stem of which can grow up to 15 meters in length. Fruits continuously until the frosts. On the plant can be both flowers and fruits. Lagenaria multiplies by seeds, which, under favorable conditions, germinate two weeks after sowing. First, two cotyledons grow out of which 10 leaves appear after 10 days, but the real leaves appear about four weeks after emergence. Blossom and pollinated lagenari usually in the evening, and in the morning the male flowers fall off, and women can not fertilize anymore. Ovary grows very quickly, up to 10 cm per day. After the plants form up to 9 shoots, their growth temporarily stops, but not for long. After about two weeks, their growth resumes and new shoots appear. And this happens throughout the life of lagenarii, up to winter frosts.

Various soils are suitable for the cultivation of common lagenarians, but it is better for them to feel themselves on light and fertile lands. The plant loves light, warmth and watering, but does not tolerate overmoistening and may die.

Varieties of lagenarii

Lagenaria long-berry is the most common variety. Mature fruits of this lagenarii - a plate pumpkin or gorlanka, as it is also called - have a very strong shell and are not used for food. They are dried, cleansing from the entrails, and they are made of various dishes: bowls, basins, vessels for wine and even barrels. And of them do the famous African tom-toms. If the young fruit is placed in any shape, then you can get dishes or the original sculpture: a growing fruit will fill all the emptiness of the form. Products in such vessels for a long time do not deteriorate, you can store in them and milk, which does not sour for a long time, flour, seeds. The bark of the spout resembles any treatment: burning, painting, varnishing. From long-fruit or bottle lagenarii make beautiful and unusual vases and bowls.

Indian cucumber or lagenarii serpentine - this is another variety that perfectly coexists with other plants. For example, if you plant it under a fence, after some time lagenariya will fly it with luxurious greens with beautiful pale cream flowers. For the cultivation of lagenarii of a serpentine house, it is necessary to prepare a wooden box with a capacity of approximately 15 liters with holes for draining excess water. The box is filled with fertile soil. And put the box with the plant planted in it at the brightest place at the window. In order for the plant to spit upwards, it is necessary to lower the cords from the cornice, for which lagenaria will cling to its antennae. And soon your window will be covered with an unusual emerald curtain with wonderful flowers.