Prunes with constipation

Constipation sometimes happens in adults and children. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which can and should be fought, especially since it is not so difficult to do. It is necessary only to observe the right diet, do not consume too much carbohydrate and drink enough water. But, if the constipation did happen, then you can use folk remedies to resolve the situation. One of the best remedies for constipation is prune. This product has long been used to improve digestive and body functions.

Prunes from constipation - recipe

In order to get rid of constipation, you can just eat prunes. For example, eat 20 steamed prune stuff and drink all the yogurt. However, the process of improving the well-being in this case may be delayed, because prunes in solid form must be digested. In case you know how to make prunes from constipation, then it will go much faster. This agent acts quickly because the fluid passes more actively through the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, for preparation use prunes in combination with other dried fruits or herbs, and sometimes combine with other products.

Recipe for decoction of prunes from constipation:

  1. Taking about 100 g of prunes, it is necessary to pour it with boiling water (200 ml) and after 5-10 minutes drink the resulting broth and then eat the steamed berries. For greater efficiency, you can cover the container with a cap covered with hot water and cover it in a rag or towel.
  2. 200 g of oat flakes should be mixed with the same amount or slightly less prunes. Mix thoroughly and pour 400 ml of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. The resulting broth can be consumed several times a day in a glass.

The recipe is infusion of prunes from constipation:

  1. 100 g of prunes and two teaspoons of a plant called senna are steamed in 600 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist for a couple of hours.
  3. When the infusion is ready, it can be taken every 50-60 minutes for several tablespoons until the result is achieved.

Prunes from constipation during pregnancy

It is known that pregnant women often suffer from constipation, as if they have few other loads on the body. Since it is very undesirable for pregnant women to use medicines, it is possible to use the aforementioned means from prunes. And you can simply include 100 g of prunes in your daily diet, combining them with kefir , then you can forget about constipation.