Growing tomato seedlings

Tomatoes are one of the most common types of vegetables we grow. But quality seedlings can not always be found even in specialized stores. That is why many truck farmers decide to cultivate tomato seedlings on their own.

How to grow seedlings of tomatoes - the preparatory stage

Before planting, the seeds must be treated. For disinfection, they are kept for 10-15 minutes in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3 ml of substance per 100 g of water). Then, for germination, the seeds are placed on a damp cloth, covered with a moist napkin on top and held for about 2-3 days. As for the soil for seedlings of tomatoes, qualities such as looseness, neutrality and nutritiousness of the earth are preferable. Soil for seedlings of tomatoes is prepared from a part of chernozem and two parts of humus. A good option will be a mixture of sand, chernozem and peat in equal proportions.

Planting and growing tomato seedlings

Sowing tomatoes for seedlings is carried out from late February to April, depending on the variety. Most often, a single container-a box or a basin-is used for this. On its bottom, first put a drainage layer, and then pour the prepared soil. If you want to cultivate tomato seedlings without picking, then as a container for each seed use a separate plastic cup or pot.

Soil is watered and left for 4-6 hours. Then the seeds are deepened into the soil by 0.5 cm and then covered. A box or glasses with seeds are covered with a film and placed in a warm place (23-25 ​​⁰С). When the first shoots appear, the film is removed. After a week, the tank can be moved to a cooler place (17-18 ° C).

In the future, care of tomato seedlings is reduced to watering, feeding and picking. Water young plants with moderately constant water. As for the seeding of tomato seedlings, it is necessary, even if the plants are placed on the southern window. Our light day in the spring is not enough for tomatoes. You can use a sodium or LED lamp with purple rays of light, or you can put two colored lamps - blue and red.

Top dressing of tomato seedlings is needed if you have not used humus for soil. Then, any of the biofertilizers ("GUMI", "Effect", "Baikal EM-1") is used. Pickling seedlings of tomatoes produced when the seedlings will appear on 2-3 of this leaflet. Transplanted plants with an earthen lump in pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

Among the diseases of tomato seedlings, the black leg usually occurs, which usually occurs when the soil is too wet. To avoid this phenomenon, water the land moderately and before planting mix a little wood ash in the soil. Often, and the appearance of brown or black patches on the leaves of seedlings, which are the result of high humidity. Affected plants must be removed and the soil treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.