Sawdust as a fertilizer

Many gardeners use sawdust in their own garden as fertilizer for the soil. Why? Mostly this is due to the low price in comparison, for example, with manure, and if you show wit, you can buy them for nothing at all. Many absolutely underestimate the advantages of using sawdust in the garden and in gardening. They are added to the compost, used as a mulching material to form beds, sprinkled with garden paths, and this is not a complete list. But one should not approach this question thoughtlessly. Of course, on fresh coniferous sawdust, used as a fertilizer for the garden, not to grow normal tomatoes, it will not do any good if you fill a raspberry with a thick layer. Everything needs to be approached with knowledge, and everything will turn out.

Effect of sawdust on soil

What can be achieved if we practice fertilizing the soil with sawdust in the farm? Sawdust has a good ability to loosen the soil, due to which it perfectly passes air and absorbs moisture. Thus, an ideal environment for plant development is created. After application of sawdust in the garden, the top layer of the soil does not form a dense crust, which means that it is necessary to loosen the beds several times. However, such a technique of using pine or any other sawdust as a fertilizer is applicable only with non-refractory, rather than fresh raw materials. Ready-to-use sawdust should have a color from light brown to dark brown. The process of re-cutting sawdust is not fast at all! It can take from 5 to 10 years. Significantly, it can be accelerated by mixing them with wastes of organic origin and watering them abundantly. Even in the process of compost formation and organic-sawdust mixture it is necessary to mix them every six months, since the upper layer forms a sufficiently dense crust that does not allow moisture to pass through. In this way, the process of converting sawdust into fertilizer can be accelerated several times. Now you know how to make a fertilizer from sawdust, but in addition you need to know how to properly apply them. In addition to the invaluable benefits, sawdust can also hurt, especially if the gardener uses them in large quantities. They have an unpleasant property - they strongly oxidize the soil, so before use, the sawdust must be subjected to liming.

Use of sawdust on a closed ground

We know how to use sawdust in the garden, but how to properly use them on a closed ground? In terms of the use of sawdust in greenhouses and greenhouses they have no equal. It will be very useful to mix them in small amounts with manure or organic residues. If manure is mixed with sawdust or waste, they are much better heated in the spring, which, besides raising the temperature, creates more favorable conditions for the reproduction of earthworms, and thus speeds up the process of re-ligation. It must be remembered that fresh sawdust should always be used with fresh sawdust, and, together with the manure that has been reparted, it should be used. The thing is that sawdust have the property of taking nitrogen out of the environment, if it is appropriate with fresh manure, then with the overripe manure - is unacceptable.

It is permissible to bring sawdust to the garden beds in autumn and winter. Best use of them affects the soil, if you combine them with other elements of the future compost . The most competent way to use them on a closed ground is to lay sawdust on the ready-made humus, left over from autumn, along with manure and a small amount of lime. But do not forget that the manure and sawdust introduced in the spring must be necessarily fresh. This mixture is recommended to cover the top with a small layer of straw or leaves, then cover with soil mixed with ash plants and the necessary fertilizers.