Lapace Sweater

Nowadays in many countries of the world there are elements of special traditional clothes that easily distinguish different inhabitants of the planet from each other. One of such amazing countries is Iceland, where for many years now there is a traditional, stylish in our days clothing variant - a sweater of the shovel. The history of this unique product appeared many centuries ago and its first creators were settlers living in Greenland. It was this people who for the first time connected this wonderful sweater from cozy wool of local production.

Icelandic lobster sweater

A real Icelandic swab of a shovel is in most cases made from yarn, created only by hand. It is this nuance that is the main feature of this charming warm product. In addition to the unusual wool, the sweater is unique and its pattern. The pattern for the lopapace presently can have a huge variety of different variations. But traditional motifs are still considered the most popular and are made exclusively in black and white. However, despite the classics, modern designers offer stylish models decorated with more vivid original ornaments.

Looking at the patterns of the lopapace from above, one can involuntarily see ornaments with meaning, among which there may be wonderful frosty snowflakes, delightful firs, magnificent mountains and winter unusually beautiful patterns .

With what to wear a sweater?

Most often, the sweater of the lopacea refers to the popular unisex style these days, which allows you to wear this wonderful outfit not only for women but also for men. But it should be noted that for men kits for this product are quite limited, because in this case it can be classic pants or jeans. But for women, the assortment of combinations is quite diverse and a suitable option depends only on their personal preferences.