Rassolnik with sausage

Rassolnik is a truly Russian, ancient dish, which was always brewed on the basis of salted mushrooms or cucumbers with the addition of brine. Let's learn more about how to prepare rassolnik with sausage.

The recipe for pickle and sausage



So, to prepare rassolnik with smoked sausage, first thoroughly rinse pearl barley, pour it with cold water and leave to swell for about 2 hours. After that, gently drain the water, pour the barley into a saucepan and pour it with clean water. We send the dishes to the fire and cook until soft.

Wasting no time in vain, we will cook until the vegetable dressing. For this, the onion and carrots are cleaned, crushed and wessed in a frying pan with vegetable oil until soft. At the same time, we cut small cubes of salted cucumbers and smoked sausage. Now we throw the frying pan first sausage, lightly fry it and lay out the salted cucumber . Simmer all together for about 4-6 minutes over low heat and remove from the plate.

We peel the potatoes, cut them into small blocks and as soon as the pearl bar becomes soft, we spread it into a saucepan. Cover the soup with a lid and boil it on a weak fire for about 15 minutes. After that, add the fried vegetables, pour the cucumber brine, salt and season it with spices. Just a few minutes before the ready throw the chopped herbs of parsley and dill. Then we remove the pickle with sausage and pearl barley from the fire, give it some time to stand, and serve along with sour cream!

Rassolnik with sausage in the multivariate



So, put sausage, chopped onion, grated carrots, potato chips, rinsed pearl rump, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and spices into the bowl of the multivarka. Then we pour everything up to the maximum mark with boiling water, select the "Quenching" program and set the time for 2 hours. After the beep and the soup is ready, we move the device to the "Heating" mode and record another 30 minutes. Ready rassolnik pour on plates and served on the table with sour cream and black bread.

The recipe for pickle soup with sausage



In the pot, pour the water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Potatoes are cleaned, cut into strips and thrown into boiling water. Rinse the rice several times under water and add it to the pot to the potatoes. In the frying pan, this time, we crush the crushed bulb and grated carrots. Then add the sliced ​​sausage to the vegetables and put a little tomato paste.

When the rice and potatoes become soft, put the roast in the soup, add finely chopped pickled cucumbers and white beans. Season the pickle with spices, throw the laurel leaf and add salt to taste. Cook the soup for a few more minutes, and then turn off the fire and leave the dish on the stove so that it sticks a little longer.