
Marriage is not cloudless, and from time to time there are always some situations that are knocked out of the rut. At different times in families, the question may arise: what if the husband is impotent? First of all, analyze the situation and find out if this happened on a psychological basis ... and only in relation to you.

How to make her husband impotent?

Many women do not understand the simple truth: they, by their behavior and attitude towards a man, make a husband impotent. What leads to a cooling of relations down to such an extreme?

The habit of criticizing

If a man hears from you only from morning till night about how bad he is and how he does everything wrong, and how happy you are without him, you cease to be a woman to him and become a megger. He takes a defensive position and takes every word with hostility. What kind of sexual cravings can we talk about in such a situation? .. Criticism is especially dangerous if it does not sound alone, but publicly.

Concentration on the disadvantages of men

If you notice only what he does not know how, can not, do not know, and especially - relate it all to the sexual sphere, the self-esteem of the man will fall, he will be embittered, and he does not want to try to become better or more capable for you. He will more and more meet your negative views, because he will lower his hands.

Your dissatisfaction with sex

If you remind a man of every failure, he does not think about it, is afraid to repeat it, can not concentrate on the process ... and inevitably repeats the oversight. Never scold a man, strive to support him. This is important for him and for your psychological comfort.

Denial of self-care

Another reason that your husband becomes impotent in relation to you - you do not watch yourself. Your homewear is a robe or breeches with a T-shirt. You do not change your hair for years, but you can show yourself to your husband with a dirty head, and without manicure. These are all trivialities - but from them there is a general impression. You can alienate your spouse from this.

Refusal of development

A woman who has focused on raising children and has no interests beyond her own home becomes a kind of household item for a man. In order for a husband to be interested in you, you need to have your own, separate interests, activities, hobbies, friends.

Refusal to maintain friendly communication

If you do not try to listen to him, if you are not able to talk to him heart to heart, if communication is based on fault-finding, cruel irony and deprived of warmth - then you have not spoken for a long time as friends. If you are not a friend of your own husband, then you seem to be not a person close to him.

These are the most common reasons why the wives complain that their muzhik is impotent. Although, it is likely that this impotence applies only to the legal spouse - because the relationship is spoiled with it.

Treatment of impotence

Now there are many clinics that offer different solutions to this problem. But remember - if the matter is that at home the man feels like on the battlefield, then no treatment will help him to inflame you with passion. Therefore, before deciding that your spouse has health problems, pay attention to the alarming factors in your family. Not immediately, but in a few months you can restore the former friendliness, if very well to try. In addition, if you have not gone too far in this, your spouse may notice that you are trying to correct the situation, and will help you.

Even if it turns out that the matter is not in a psychological situation, but in the health problem, no one will be prevented by a warm, pleasant relationship with their own spouse. Start the change with yourself, not demanding anything, and you will notice that your family is gradually beginning to live an entirely new life.