Pies with sorrel

Sorrel is a frequent guest in Russian and Eastern European cuisine in general. With the greens of this simple plant, which is abundantly presented in most markets in the first half of summer, soups, sauces and pastries are prepared. The sour taste of sorrel is an excellent company to many ingredients and we will talk about some of them in recipes of pirozhki with sorrel further.

Patties with sorrel - recipe

Oxalic acid is the best companion for dairy products, especially cheeses and cottage cheese, they can make an ideal flavor duet in the framework of a pie filling.


For the test:

For filling:


Sweeten the warm milk and sprinkle yeast. After 5 minutes, pour the yeast solution into the center of the "well" from the flour, there also pour in a couple of eggs and pour in the melted butter. The mixed dough should be left warm until it doubles in size.

While the dough is growing, grasp the stuffing with sorrel for pies, for which on warmed butter you need to let the sorrel leaves with the garlic tooth passed through the press. Once the oxalic leaves are faded, cool them and wring out. Combine sorrel with cottage cheese and generously salt the filling.

Separating pieces of the approached test, roll them, flatten the palm and place the oxalic filling in the center. Pinch the edges and shift the patties onto the baking tray, leaving them for another 20 minutes before baking. Bake cakes should be at 190 degrees before blanching (20-25 minutes).

Sweet fried cakes with sorrel

In the following recipe, cottage cheese will also be present, but in this case it is the basis of the non-oxalic filling, and the test itself.


For the test:

For filling:


If you get a lumpy cottage cheese, then turn it into a paste with a blender or by passing through a sieve. To the resulting mass, add sour cream, sugar, soda and butter. Combining all the ingredients together, pour the flour into them and knead the dough, but the malleable dough. Divide the dough into portions and flatten each of them with the palm of your hand.

Fresh sorrel slice and rub with sugar. Lay out a portion of the oxalic filling in the center of the dough, pinch the edges and fry the patties on the warmed vegetable oil until it turns brown.

Pirozhki with sorrel of puff pastry

Sorrel in the sauce is not rarely served to meat dishes, but why not make it part of the stuffing of puff pastry stuffed with lamb?



Put the ready-made puff pastry to be defrosted, and take the preparation of the filling yourself. For the filling, first of all, save the semicircles of onions in butter, add garlic to it, wait until it launches the fragrance, and then pour the spices and add the mince. Give the mutton forcemeat to brown and put sliced ​​sorrel to it. When the latter fades, cool the meat filling and mix it with cheese and pine nuts.

Defrost the dough into squares, place the meat filling in the center and pinch the edges so that the triangle comes out. Bake cakes with sorrel in the oven at 200 degrees for 12-15 minutes.