Lavender oil - application in cosmetology and folk medicine

The smell of lavender flowers is not only pleasant, but also has a curative effect. Oil, obtained from lavender, is used in cosmetology, perfumery, cooking and folk medicine. Lavender oil is used for inhalations, baths, massages, added to a cream without flavors or a lotion for the face, body.

Properties of lavender oil

More than 300 organic compounds in the composition of lavender oil give it valuable therapeutic properties. Knowledge of how useful lavender oil was obtained back in the time of Hippocrates. It was used even in military medicine. Main medicinal properties:

The most common use of lavender in neurological diseases. When it is applied , the mood improves , overexcitation passes, aggression decreases. Soothing preparations based on plants are used to treat depression, tearfulness, hysterical reactions. Its smell gives peace, acts as a strong and safe antidepressant. In addition, it stimulates concentration, attention and memory, contributes to reducing the number of errors in work.

Essential oil of lavender in cosmetology

Excellent results from its application are obtained in cosmetology and dermatology. Lavender oil, the use of which is suitable for almost all types of skin, is used to get rid of:

Lavender oil, unlike many others, can be applied in undiluted form for the treatment of acne, insect bites, herpetic eruptions. Applications of a pure product are effective for small cuts, wounds and burns. In all other cases and with a sensitive, tender skin, a tendency to allergic reactions, it should be diluted in the basis of the available vegetable oil, cream, sour cream or cream.

Lavender hair oil

In order to get rid of seborrhea or dandruff, you do not always need to buy shampoos with chemical preparations. They develop addiction, they dry and damage the hair. Lavender oil for hair is softer and more effective. With the regular addition of three drops to the shampoos or masks with each wash, the hair becomes smooth, docile. It can be mixed with olive oil or burdock and rubbed into the roots of the hair (for 15 minutes as a normal mask). A few drops of pure lavender oil are applied to a wooden comb - this aroma-spreading will help against dandruff, itching, and relieve the headache.

Lavender facial oil

When applied as a part of masks, creams or tonic, inflammation and redness are removed, problematic and sensitive skin is treated. Lavender oil for the face is used to prevent the formation of scars and scars after acne. To treat seborrhea, eczema and psoriasis remedy is recommended for regular use. When caring for mature face skin when enriched with ether, plants effectively enhance tone, reduce wrinkles and moisturize. To add to cosmetics, you need 5 drops to take 10 ml of the base.

Lavender Nail Oil

After manicure it is recommended to rub lavender oil into the nail plate and the surrounding skin. It helps in the prevention and treatment of fungal nail diseases, strengthens the nail plate, preventing dryness, delamination and brittleness. The use of lavender oil manifests itself with regular care. It is recommended to mix 2-3 drops of ether with a hand cream, and grape seed oil, jojoba. A good effect is given by the baths for nails: for 100 ml of water, add 7 drops of the drug and a teaspoon of sea salt.

Lavender oil - medicinal properties

The medicinal lavender essential oil, the use of which for healing and prevention is used by folk medicine, is effective when:

  1. Catarrhal diseases, influenza, bronchitis.
  2. Bronchial asthma, pneumonia.
  3. Genyanthritis, otitis, pharyngitis.
  4. Spasms and colic of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Gastritis, digestive disorders, ulcers, flatulence.
  6. Cystitis, thrush, whites.
  7. Violation of the menstrual cycle, menopause and painful periods.
  8. Pain in the heart, rhythm disturbance, ischemic heart disease.
  9. Rheumatism, muscle pain, trauma.

This natural remedy helps to adapt to unfavorable climatic conditions, magnetic storms. Due to its influence on oxidative processes, it prevents aging of cells. At the same time, energy reserves in the body increase, the fat metabolism is normalized and the vessels are cleaned. The hormonal background is normalized. In pregnancy, lavender stimulates generic activity.

Lavender oil from stretch marks

Stretch marks appear on the skin with rapid growth, hormonal diseases, pregnancy. Applying for the prevention of lavender oil from scars and stretch marks, this process can be stopped. A great advantage of the oil is its ability to soften the coarse connective tissue. In such cases, massages, rubbing and compresses are applied to the affected areas. Typically, take 5 drops per 10 ml of the base (any oil, cream). You can add lavender oil to the bath, mixing it with salt.

Lavender oil from insomnia

To get rid of the difficulties of falling asleep or frequent awakenings, before you go to bed, you need to ventilate the bedroom and light an aromatic lamp with lavender ether. In its absence, a couple of drops on a pillow or napkin will suffice. In addition, a relaxing massage of the head, face and auricles with its use will help. Lavender essential oil has an anti-anxiety effect. You can drop two drops on honey and dissolve an hour before bedtime. Good warm baths with lavender - 10 drops of ether, dissolved in 1/3 cup of milk.

Lavender oil from thrush

Thrush refers to fungal diseases that occur with a decrease in immunity or hormonal imbalance. Useful properties of essential oil of lavender help to get rid of the fungus, normalize the microflora and the defenses of the body. Apply oil for thrush for:

  1. Impregnation of tampons - 2-3 drops. Tampons must be soaked in a solution of soda before use (1 teaspoon per 1 tbsp.). Put the tampon for 6 hours.
  2. For douching and washing, a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. soda, 5 drops of oil.
  3. For application on a daily pad (a pair of drops).

Lavender oil for colds

In viral and microbial infections, lavender oil acts on the causative agent of the disease and increases the body's immune response. It acts as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant . Lavender oil from the common cold is used in the form of cold (through aromatherapy) and conventional steam inhalations. In the absence of temperature, a hot bath with lavender and salt is recommended. You can do and compresses on the chest. The disinfecting effect of the product is used to process the room during the epidemic of viral diseases.

Lavender Slimming Oil

In order to know how to use lavender oil for weight loss, you need to understand that in addition to overeating, excess hormones are produced by hormones produced during stress. This type of obesity is the most difficult to cure, since even a small amount of food does not reduce weight. To normalize the state of the nervous system, baths and massages with this natural antidepressant are used. Such procedures should be carried out for at least a month. Inhalation of the aroma of the plant before a plentiful meal will help in time to restrain and not eat too much.

Lavender oil - contraindications

Before using lavender oil, you need to know the contraindications:

  1. Individual sensitivity (before the treatment, you need to mix a drop of oil with five drops of the base and apply to the elbow.) If an allergic reaction does not appear within 12 hours, you can use it).
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Anemia.
  4. During pregnancy and after an abortion.
  5. Simultaneously with medications with iodine or iron.
  6. With hypotension.

In order for the application to benefit, you should use only natural lavender oil. It can be distinguished from fakes, if applied on paper. These essential oils evaporate and there will be no trace. In addition, when carrying out any kind of aromatherapy, a positive effect will be when, when inhaled, there are no unpleasant sensations, coughing, lacrimation, and the smell is very pleasant.