Treatment of nail fungus at home

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a rather insidious disease that is quickly transmitted and treated for a long time. Weakened immunity is the main prerequisite for the penetration of the disease. Treatment of nail fungus is quite a troublesome occupation, having its own characteristics. It is better to treat better on weekends, and may even have to take a vacation, since many folk remedies have a specific smell, a discoloration of the nails, and just painful sensations that will cause inconvenience.

Methods of treating nail fungus at home

There are many effective ways to treat nail fungus at home. Here are some of the most famous of them:

Recipes treatment of foot nail fungus at home

Before starting treatment, if possible, try to remove the damaged area of ​​the nail so that the spores do not spread further. Next, we will examine in more detail a few simple but effective folk ways of treating the fungus on the nails:

  1. On the damaged nail apply a cut sheet of Kalanchoe, which has an antiseptic and antifungal property, fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster. The dressing must be changed daily.
  2. Squeeze juice from garlic, mix in the same proportion with alcohol as medical, and then dilute the solution with distilled water in a small amount. To treat such a composition with fingernails several times a day.
  3. A piece of a tea mushroom is primed to the nail on the leg for the night.
  4. Hundred grams of detergent dissolved in hot water. Dip the feet into the solution. Fungi do not survive in an alkaline environment. As a rule, it takes ten days to recover.
  5. To treat the fungus of nails at home helps the use of apple cider vinegar. Stir approximately 800 ml of essence in 3 liters of not too hot water. Make baths for 10 minutes at night for a week.

Treatment of hand nail fungus at home

The appearance of fungus on the nails of the hands is a very noticeable phenomenon, causing discomfort. For self-treatment, these simple recipes will help you:

  1. Do before bathtime bath in a strong coffee infusion.
  2. Helps rinse your hands in a strong tea broth.
  3. Cream of a mixture of garlic gruel and butter, apply to the affected nail plates.
  4. You can make such a bath: a little shower gel stir in a half-liter of hot water, add tea tree oil in an amount of 10 drops. And you can directly rub this oil into the nail twice a day for about three months.

There is a large number of all kinds of folk ways to treat nail fungus, you just need to choose the one that will help you.