Coliprotein Bacteriophage

Such pathologies of the digestive system as enterocolitis, colpitis and ordinary colitis are often caused by pathogenic microorganisms, especially E. coli. To treat these diseases without using antibiotics, a coliprotein bacteriophage is used. This solution is a mixture of filtered phagolysates of these microbes, due to which causes their death upon ingestion of pathogenic cells.

Instructions for use of liquid and tableted coliprotein bacteriophage

The described specific action virus develops and actively multiplies in bacterial cells. When it reaches maturity, the pathogenic microorganism dies, and the phage particles are released, infecting other microbes.

The main indications for the use of the drug in question are:

It is also possible to treat with a colibrotic bacteriophage of cystitis, pyelonephritis, salpingophoritis, endometritis, pyelitis and enteral pathologies if the listed diseases were provoked by coli bacteria or a protease.

Contraindications and any side effects from the use of medication is not available.

Scheme of treatment with coliprotein bacteriophage

Dosage and duration of the course of therapy is determined, as a rule, by a doctor, and corresponds to the detected disease.

For the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis it is advisable to begin using bacteriophage from the first day of the onset of characteristic symptoms of the disease. It is recommended to undergo 2-3 courses of treatment lasting from 7 to 10 days with a break of 72 hours.

Bacteriophage solution should be taken 2-3 times a day for 20 ml for 1.5 hours before meals. If the drug is in tablets, the dosage is 2 pcs. When the clinical manifestations of enterocolitis abate, you can replace 1 oral enema with 40-60 ml of the drug.

Also the coliprotein bacteriophage is used to prevent the disease under consideration. In this case, you need to take a standard single dose of the drug 2 times a day, then make a 3-day break and repeat the reception.

When treating colpitis, the drug is administered intravaginally through irrigation or 2-3 hours for tampons impregnated with solution. The dosage is 10 ml, repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

The course of colpitis treatment is 5-7 days. If the disease is severe, it will be necessary to repeat the therapy one more time.

Other pathologies, the causative agents of which are the bacteria of coli and protae, are to be treated by the tablet form of a bacteriophage. The daily dosage and the duration of the course of therapy are prescribed by the doctor after an individual examination.

With what else can a colibrotein bacteriophage be used to treat bacterial infections?

There are very severe forms of diseases caused by the proteus and bacteria coli. In such situations it is necessary to take both a bacteriophage and antibacterial drugs.

Complex treatment regimens for such infections involve the use of antibiotics, to which pathogenic microorganisms have an increased sensitivity, and there is also a lack of resistance. Such medications include:

Fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins of new (3-4) generations have also been shown to be highly effective, but, due to significant toxicity and a large number of dangerous side effects, they are prescribed less frequently.