Adenovirus infection in children

Adenovirus infection in children occurs quite often. A child who turned five years old, at least once, but sick with it. And every second transferred the infection repeatedly. About 30% of viral diseases diagnosed in children at an early age are adenovirus infections. They are caused by adenoviruses, first discovered in 1953. Today the family of adenoviruses is estimated in 130 species. They are capable of affecting the mucous eyes, respiratory organs and intestines, and have a high toxicity. On objects, in medicinal solutions and in water, they can exist for several weeks. Destructive for them, ultraviolet rays, temperatures above 56 degrees and chlorine-containing drugs. Among the complications of adenovirus infection, most often there are respiratory catarrh, pharyngitis, pneumonia and conjunctivitis.

Ways and methods of infection

The main sources of this infection are carriers of the virus, as well as sick people, to the blood and nasopharynx of which in the acute stage of the disease accumulates a huge number of viruses. Moreover, a person suffering from adenovirus infection can be a source of infection on the 25th day after infection, and virus carrying can be 3-9 months. The infection is transmitted by drip and oral-fecal routes through air, water, food. This disease is recorded year-round and ubiquitous, but the recovery is noted during the cold season. The duration of the incubation period can vary from two to twelve days.


Usually this disease begins with an acute form, but the symptomatology is manifested consistently. The first symptom of adenovirus infection in children is a gradual increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, which lasts two to three days. Then the child begins to cough, he has a runny nose. The baby breathes only with the mouth, and the posterior wall of the pharynx and the palatine tonsils turn red, swell. Coughing usually moist, stubborn and strong. Often children manifest adenoviral conjunctivitis, lymph nodes increase. Due to intoxication, the child becomes listless, complains of headaches, nausea, and does not eat well. If adenoviruses penetrate the lungs, then pneumonia can not be avoided.

However, the main sign of adenovirus infection is conjunctivitis. Often first, only one eye is affected, but the next day and the second eye is involved in the process. Babies usually do not react to conjunctivitis, but older children suffer from cuts, burning, swelling and redness.

Adenoviral infection proceeds long enough. The temperature normalizes in a week, but sometimes there are cases when the heat is observed and for three weeks. Runny nose bothers a month, and conjunctivitis - up to a week.

Dangerous complications can be otitis media, pneumonia and sinusitis, so treatment of adenovirus infection in children should begin without delay.


How to treat an adenovirus infection, you need to know from a pediatrician, because the disease is fraught with complications. If an adenovirus is found in the body of a child, a home regimen should be prescribed, and a severe form of the disease requires hospitalization. In addition to bed rest, the child needs a vitaminized diet, interferon preparations. If eye damage occurs, adenoviral conjunctivitis in children is treated with oxolin or florenal ointment, by instillation of deoxyribonuclease. From the common cold helps tizin, pinosol, vibrocil or saline. In addition, expectorants, multivitamins, antibacterial and physiotherapy are prescribed.

The best prevention of adenovirus infection is the exclusion of contacts with patients, ventilation of premises, hardening, taking fortifying agents and preparations to enhance immunity.