Treatment of warts at home

The problem of warts is familiar to many people. These unaesthetic educations on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus can ruin the mood and undermine self-confidence. Especially unpleasant if the wart is located on the visible part of the body. Therefore, today we will talk about what folk remedies for warts and papillomas are considered the most safe and effective.

Medicinal Herbs

Irreplaceable helpers in the fight against warts are herbal preparations:

1. Kalanchoe - the leaves of the plant are ground, the resulting mass is put on a problem place, left for the night under a gauze bandage or plaster.

2. Wormwood - from the raw material is prepared infusion (200 ml of boiling water takes 2 tablespoons of grass), allow it to cool for 20 minutes. Ready-made preparation is wiped out. This treatment of warts at home makes it possible to make the growths on the skin softer and remove them completely after intensive steaming.

3. Purity is the most authoritative remedy for warts. Plant juice drips onto the affected area three times a day. After 2 - 3 weeks, the skin becomes smooth, the papilloma disappears.

4. Onions and garlic. Everyone knows the antiseptic properties of onions and garlic - when removing warts, these products are also very effective.

Other means

The treatment of warts with castor oil has proven itself, which means rubbing the drug twice a day in the affected areas for 15 minutes. The visible effect of such therapy comes in a month.

The results are also provided by the treatment of warts with propolis - the product is chewed, the resulting cake is applied to the skin pre-steamed in hot water, fixed with a bandage. Repeat the procedure every day. Education disappears after 1-3 months.

To get rid of warts on the face using sparing funds - fresh juice of mountain ash, for example. They are trained carefully every day. It also helps point cauterization of the papilloma with acetic essence - a cotton swab is used for this, and the skin is previously steamed. Healthy areas can not be touched. Similarly, use celandine juice, trying not to get on the surrounding wart skin.

Remove warts on the neck helps treatment with vitamin E as an oil. The drug is lubricated every day, and the effect manifests itself after 2 - 3 months. Lemon oil also helps in the fight against papillomas in the neck region - it is put on the night on steamed skin, the adhesive is applied on top.