Life cycle of ascarids

Ascaris is a large round helminth whose life cycle in the body of a single carrier is just over a year. Parasites are found most often in humans. Distributed all over the world. In this case, most of them are observed in Japan due to the constant consumption of raw fish. On an average body, up to 20 individuals are involved. Although there were cases when more than eight hundred worms were found inside the person. They can cause problems not only in the intestines, but in the whole body.

The life cycle of the development of ascarids of human

Infection of the body occurs when the larva enters the intestine. This is carried out together with unwashed vegetables, fruits and other food. Then the egg shells are discarded. With the help of a small process, the parasite digs into the wall of the small intestine, from where it penetrates into the local veins. After that, he reaches the liver and heart. By small vessels enters the lungs. After this, a cough is triggered , which moves the ascaris to the oral cavity. Part swallows with saliva in the stomach. On this scheme of the life cycle of eggs ascarids of human ends. But the growth of a full-fledged parasite continues.

There is an adult formation. The larva enters the small intestine, where it continues to exist. One worm can live in the body for about one year. In this case, constant self-infection only increases the number of worms in the human body. Therefore, ascaris can be ill for a decade.

Worms in the initial stage of development feed on red blood cells contained in the blood. The fact is that they contain a large volume of oxygen. As demand increases, so does demand. This determines the color of parasites: when they are in the active phase - red, and in case of death - whiten.