Preparations for headache

Headache of varying intensity and frequency is one of the most frequent complaints. There are a lot of reasons for this symptom. In this regard, the headache is divided into the following main types:

  1. Vascular - caused by spasm or abrupt expansion of the blood vessels of the brain, jump in blood pressure.
  2. Neuralgic - associated with irritation of the nerve receptors that are in the brain (with increasing or decreasing intracranial pressure, tumors, etc.).
  3. Pain of tension - provoked by overexertion of the muscles of the head, neck or back, psycho-emotional overstrain.

When choosing a drug for the treatment of headache, it should be understood that its various types are eliminated in different ways, i.e. drugs with a different mechanism of action.

Anesthetics with headache

Of course, the best way to eliminate the headache is to influence the root cause of this phenomenon. However, in some cases this can not be done in a timely manner, therefore, to relieve the condition, drugs that relieve pain syndrome are taken. Consider which medications will be most effective against different types of headache.

Temporarily to eliminate the pain in the head of the vascular character can be with the help of analgesics drugs based on metamizole sodium:

You can also take a drug from a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most well-known tablets belonging to this group are preparations based on the following substances:

With a decrease in blood pressure, the best drugs for headache are those combined drugs that contain caffeine in their composition:

To stop migraine attacks and with severe headaches, vasoconstrictive medications that affect the vessels of the brain can be used. These are such medicines as:

As symptomatic drugs with neuralgic headache, as a rule, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended. It can be as a means based on paracetamol, ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid, and tablets with other active substances of this group:

With tension headaches, spasmolytic drugs that eliminate spasm of the brain vessels are effective. These drugs include the following:

Homeopathy for headaches - drugs

Homeopathy today is a common and in-demand method of treatment, including for headaches of a different nature and localization. Consider what homeopathic remedies can be recommended for pain in the head: