Multicomponent protein

On the shelves of shops offering sports nutrition , you can find a huge assortment of the most popular product - protein. At present, they are produced on the basis of whey, milk, eggs. There are also mixed species, or so-called, multicomponent protein. Who is better to choose such a complex option, and what is its effect? ​​- read in our article.

Multicomponent protein or whey?

A multicomponent or complex protein is an option for those who have not decided on the choice between isolates and decided to buy the benefit of everything in one bottle at a time. This mixture of proteins combines the maximum concentration of amino acids in the shortest time and prolonged nutrition of the muscles, thus combining the action of "fast" and "slow" types of protein.

Choosing a mixed version, you get a tool that can cope immediately with all tasks, and you do not need to buy separately whey and separately casein protein .

However, there is some benefit in taking these kinds of protein separately, yet there is: for example, before going to bed, you can take casein, knowing that it will slowly nourish the muscles, and before training - the serum variant. Egg isolate combines the advantages of these two kinds of proteins, and multicomponent protein is the universal choice for all occasions.

Sometimes soy protein is included in such a composition, but to date it has been found that it has a low biological value index, and is thus less useful and nutritious than other types of protein.

How to take a multicomponent protein?

Many doubt how and when to drink multicomponent protein - in case you want to gain weight, or when on the contrary, there is a desire to lose weight and get rid of the fat layer? This tool is universal and perfectly suited for any of these options. The casein component allows you to feed muscles, and does not allow them to break down, and whey - allows you to more effectively affect the muscles directly during training. Thus, it can be taken before and after training, and before bedtime, and as a substitute for food.

It is difficult to single out the best multicomponent protein, each product has its pros and cons. Study the composition of the product - it is optimal if it does not contain soy protein, which, while reducing the cost of the product, reduces its biological value.