Cavinton - indications for use

Cavinton is a well-known drug that has been used in medicine for several decades and is considered one of the most vital medicines. Numerous studies and experience of application show effective results in the treatment of a number of pathologies, prevention of severe consequences and complications.

Composition, form and effect of Cavinton

Cavinton has two forms of release:

There is also the tabletted form of Cavinton forte, which contains a large concentration of active substance.

The active ingredient is vinpocetine, a semi-synthetic substance, which is obtained from the alkaloid vinokamine contained in the plant of periwinkles small.

The drug has the following pharmacological action:

It should be noted that this drug acts selectively, affecting the affected areas and not affecting the body as a whole.

Indications for Cavinton

Indications for the use of injections and droppers with Cavinton (intravenously, drip), as well as indications for the use of Cavinton in the form of tablets (including forte), are common. The choice of the form of the drug, its dosage and the frequency of reception is individually determined depending on the type of illness, the severity and severity of the process, the age of the patient, etc. So, the medicine is recommended for the following diagnoses:

1. Insufficiency of cerebral circulation in acute or chronic stage, including:

2. Mental and neurological disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency, including:

3. Vascular ophthalmic diseases:

4. Lesions of ENT organs:

5. Climacteric syndrome with vasovegetative symptoms.

Contraindications to the use of Cavinton: