Healing of the liver is the best universal methods and means

The liver is a unique organ that can withstand the first stroke when unwanted substances enter the body. It has the ability to self-repair, but is not immune from disease, so immediate liver treatment is required to preserve the quality of life.

What are liver diseases?

  1. Initial functional, purulent and inflammatory damage: viral, toxic and fatty hepatitis, steatohepatosis, abscess, hepatomegaly, syphilis and tuberculosis.
  2. Injuries: tears, open and gunshot.
  3. Vascular diseases of the liver: thrombosis, arteriovenous fistula and fistula, portal hypertension , pylephlebitis.
  4. Problems of internal bile ducts: acute cholangitis, cholelithiasis , Caroli's disease, cholestasis.
  5. Tumors: cysts, hepatic-cellular and intra-cellular cancer, hemangioma, sarcoma, metastases.
  6. Parasitic lesion.
  7. Hereditary pathologies: hypo- and aplasia, atresia of blood vessels and ducts, hemochromatosis, pigmentary hepatosis, enzymopathy.
  8. The consequence of diseases of other systems: kidney and heart, amyloidosis , hepatomegaly with leukemia.
  9. Structural and functional changes and complications: severe disruption of work and coma, cirrhosis, parenchymal jaundice.
  10. Autoimmune disorders: primary sclerosing cholangitis, biliary cirrhosis , hepatitis.

Diseases of the liver and their symptoms

Among the numerous manifestations, the following signs of liver disease are characteristic:

Diagnosis of liver diseases

When alarm indicators are detected, liver treatment should be started immediately, but it is difficult to do because of the similarity of manifestations of different vices. Diagnosis of the liver will help to identify a specific problem, it is carried out using the following approaches.

  1. Ultrasound. Helps to learn about the early stage of the disease, can establish the development of cirrhosis, oncology, hepatitis, metastases, developmental disorders.
  2. Palpation and percussion. Methods of primary examination, determine the need for further evaluation. If an enlarged liver is found, treatment after such a procedure is not prescribed, the doctor should find out the reasons for organ change, and then talk about therapy.
  3. MRI and computed tomography. They allow to reveal changes at the initial stage, they are effective at their different kinds.
  4. Biopsy. Using a needle, a little tissue is taken and analyzed. The approach is applied with the support of other diagnostic techniques.
  5. Blood test. There are several types to identify specific problems.

Treatment of the liver with drugs

Damage to the organ is diverse, so the drugs for treating the liver are diverse. For convenience, they are divided into several groups.

  1. Antiviral - for hepatitis.
  2. Antiparasitic.
  3. Cholagogue - drugs for the treatment of the liver with incorrect secretion and problems in the breakdown of fats.
  4. Hepatoprotectors - with toxic destruction of cells.

Medicines for cleansing the liver

All measures of correction of the arising problems can be developed only by the doctor. Some drugs are taken not only as part of therapy, but also for prevention or ancillary effects when the body is heavily loaded. These are drugs for cleansing the liver and stimulating its recovery - hepatoprotectors. All of them combine both functions, but the action in one direction is more powerful. To relieve from unnecessary savings, the following drugs are recommended.

  1. Allochol. Strengthens the secretion of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, prevents the processes of putrefaction in the intestine. In the absence of contraindications, he drinks with courses lasting 3-4 weeks with rest at 12 weeks. Drink three times a day for 1-2 tablets.
  2. Bondjigar. Stimulates the outflow of bile, applied 3 capsules a day. The course is 6 weeks.
  3. Heptra light. It is aimed at the removal of toxins, the composition includes substances for stimulating metabolism. Drink 2 months, one tablet a day.
  4. Gepar. In the composition of more than 20 medicinal plants. Use 2 capsules three times a day.
  5. Hepatrine and Hepagard. Relieve from toxins, guard against subsequent negative influences. Take 1 capsule twice a day.
  6. Silymarin. The substance is contained in several drugs (Karsil, Milk Thistle, Silibor, Simepar, Geparsil), helps the production of bile and purification.

Drugs for liver restoration

  1. Heptral. It is used toxic and fatty destruction, cirrhosis and fibrosis, has an antidepressant effect.
  2. Essentiale forte. Contains phospholipids, which help the formation of new cells and prevent the replacement of healthy connective tissue.
  3. Phosphogliv. Has an immunomodulatory effect, fights against viruses.
  4. Gepabene. With milk thistle and fumigant, which fill the lesions and stimulate the outflow of bile.
  5. Dipan and LIV-52. Preparations for the restoration of the liver with a natural composition. In addition, the cholagogue effect is produced. The second agent also stimulates the appetite, so it is used for anorexia.
  6. Gepa-Merz. Used for severe injuries, reduces the level of ammonia.
  7. Berlition. In addition to the main function, it has an antioxidant effect, normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, lowers glucose and improves nerve supply. Treatment of the liver is recommended for diabetic and alcoholic changes, is indicated for hepatitis.
  8. Hofitol. Plant remedy, besides the restoration has a cholagogue and diuretic effect. Used in complex therapy, it is prescribed for long-term use.

Treatment of the liver with folk remedies

Wrong work of the body must be corrected by a specialist with the help of official preparations. They have a well-defined concentration of active substances, so they have a more powerful effect. Traditional medicine can help, but should be used as an auxiliary or preventive remedy. In case of a serious illness, monotherapy with herbs will lead to bad consequences - time will be lost, the disease will worsen and complete recovery will not occur.

Folk recipes will help start the treatment of the liver, the most effective include plants, extracts of which are used in factory preparations. In home use, it is impossible to achieve the same saturation (the active substance is found in plants in microdoses, even complete replacement of the diet with herbs does not help), so you will not be able to replace tablets yourself from the pharmacy yourself.

Oat liver treatment

One of the most popular ways of getting rid of harmful substances is using oats in different dishes. The most effective treatment of the liver at home with the help of a decoction and infusion from this cereal.

  1. Infusion. You need to grind the grain and pour boiling water in the ratio of one tablespoon per liter of water. Then you need to insist in the heat 12 hours. Drink 2 glasses an hour before meals, in a day you need to drink 6 glasses.
  2. Decoction. In boiling water (1.5 liters), you need to pour 150 grams of oats and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. After infusion for 3 hours, the broth is filtered and used for 2 weeks. You can include in other dishes or eat separately.

Treatment of thistle liver

The extract of this plant can be found in patented medicines, the treatment of liver diseases at home is carried out using the decoction of its seeds. To do this, you need to mix 30 grams of powder with half a liter of water and cook on low heat until half the liquid boils off. Treatment of the liver lasts 3 weeks, take hourly on a tablespoon. It is advisable to repeat the course in two weeks.

Treating the liver with blue onions

  1. Finely chopped 500 g of onions should be mixed with 250 g of sugar and put in a baking dish. The mixture is kept in the oven to the color of caramel. To treat a sick liver, take two tablespoons in the morning before eating.
  2. One hundred grams of honey, 600 grams of red wine, 40 grams of ground wormwood and 300 g of onions are mixed and insisted 21 days in a dark place. The composition is consumed 3 times a day for three tablespoons.

Blue onions for the liver can not be used when:

Honey Liver Treatment

If there is no allergy to honey, you can start liver treatment folk remedies, but you need to make sure there is no negative reaction to other components of the prescription.

  1. With gravity in the right side three times a day, a teaspoonful before eating take a mixture of cinnamon honey. One tablespoon of spice is enough for half a liter of honey.
  2. Two tablespoons of ground chicory root should be filled with half a liter of boiling water, add three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink is drunk hot, you can use it at any time, in unlimited quantities.
  3. With stasis of bile helps drink from honey and therapeutic and table mineral water. Drinking it is necessary in the mornings, a glass of water is used a teaspoon of honey.

Pumpkin liver treatment

The product has the ability to restore membranes of hepatocytes, so the pumpkin for the liver is recommended for use in preventive purposes. You can cook it to your taste, useful porridge and raw flesh. The most powerful effect will be a glass of freshly squeezed juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. It contains the same amount of useful substances as in half a kilo of the vegetable.

Treating the liver with soda

With jaundice it is recommended to take baths with soda and menthol to relieve itching. Soda and lemon for the liver are used to make an effervescent drink. It is necessary to mix the juice of one lemon with a quarter teaspoon of soda. The mixture is drunk with a volley on an empty stomach. Repeat this procedure for 10 days, it helps to cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances.

Diet in liver disease

To eliminate the disturbance in the work of the body, it is required to adhere to a diet. Nutrition in liver diseases should be fractional and six-time, it is recommended to moderately salivate food and eat it in a warm form, the way of cooking is permissible for anyone, except for roasting and smoking. The following products are allowed:

  1. Sweets. Fruit jelly, jujube and a little honey. Chocolate and all products with a lot of confectionery fat are prohibited.
  2. Beverages. Not a strong black tea with milk or lemon, juices without sugar, compotes from dried fruits. You can not drink alcohol and soda.
  3. Bakery products. Rye, bran bread, yesterday's wheat, biscuit biscuits, biscuit.
  4. A fish. Lean - pikeperch, pike, cod. Caviar and sushi should be excluded from the diet.
  5. Dairy. Low-fat kefir, not sharp cheese. Low-fat milk and yogurt.
  6. Eggs. Any, no more than one per day.
  7. Vegetables. Potatoes, color and Peking cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beetroot, green peas, Bulgarian pepper.
  8. Side dishes. Any pasta and vermicelli, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat can only be boiled.
  9. Condiments. Cinnamon, bay leaves, parsley, vanilla, soy sauce, dill.
  10. Butter. Refined vegetable up to 10 grams, creamy to 10-30 grams.
  11. Snacks. Fruit and vegetable salads dressed with vegetable oil. Vinaigrette, a little sauerkraut without vinegar, squash caviar, jellied fish.