Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide of hydrogen for many years has perfectly proved itself as an effective means for lightening hair. Today it is still popular and competing with salon cosmetics.

Application of peroxide

Having a high activity, peroxide, if not applied correctly, can harm the hair. If you want to lightly lighten the curls, it is better to give preference to sparing methods of coloring peroxide. For those who are bothered by unwanted vegetation on the body or antennae, more "aggressive" methods of lightening with hydrogen peroxide will do.

Hair coloring

The effect of lightening with peroxide depends on the initial color of the hair. Light-haired and fair-haired girls of this remedy should not be afraid - the color will be smooth and pleasant. Brunettes and brown-haired women can realize disappointment - there is a risk that after hair loss, hair will turn yellowish or even reddish. In this case, it is recommended to perform several repeated clarification procedures, but this will cause significant damage to the hair.

Easy lightening

For lightening the hair, 3-5% hydrogen peroxide is used. Such concentration does not hurt the hair. The procedure will make the curls lighter in one or two tones. Best of all, this recipe is suitable for light-brown girls.

Before the procedure, the hair should be washed, let them dry without a hair dryer, apply balm on the strands. After this, you can proceed to proper hair clarification peroxide hydrogen.

  1. Pour into a dry and clean container (not metal!) With a sprayer 3-6% peroxide solution.
  2. Comb your hair, divide it into strands.
  3. Separate one strand and sprinkle it.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the other strands that you want to lighten.
  5. After spraying, let the hair rest for half an hour.
  6. Rinse hair with cool water, apply conditioner.

Deep clarification

For dyeing dark hair, hydrogen peroxide is 8-12%. 40 g of the product is diluted with 30 g of water, 20 g of liquid soap and a spoon of ammonium bicarbonate. Dishes for paint should not be metal. Thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the mass is applied to the hair, like ordinary paint, starting from the occipital part. It is better not to wash your head before the procedure, and after applying the paint you can not put on a hat, otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off the hair with a mild shampoo and rinsed with acidified water (you can add citric acid, vinegar).

Brunettes should remember that to get after the first procedure, a light tone will not work, in addition, the paint can take uneven. Therefore, it makes sense to think about the services of a professional hairdresser.

Lightening the hair on the body

Lightening with hydrogen peroxide will help to solve the problem of unwanted hair on the body. For this purpose, an emulsion is prepared from a soap solution, ammonia and 6% peroxide. The agent is applied to problem areas, washed off after 15 minutes with warm water or chamomile broth. Repeating the procedure once a week, you will achieve a discoloration of the hair on the body, in addition, they will become less frequent and shorter.

Clarification of antennae with hydrogen peroxide

Another successful application of peroxide is the bleaching of unwanted hairs on the face. The clarifying mass is prepared from one crushed tablet of hydroperite, a few drops of ammonia and 3% peroxide. Stirring the ingredients with a wooden or plastic stick, the product is applied to the areas of the face where there are hairs and kept for 10 minutes. Then you need to wash and lubricate the treated area with a nutritious cream.

It is worth remembering that clarifying the mustache with hydrogen peroxide is contraindicated, if there are sores or pimples on the skin of the face. Repeat the procedure more than once a week is also undesirable.