Hair on the face of women

Agree, the hair on the face of women, or even more so in young girls - the spectacle is not pleasant. They give women a lot of trouble, they cause complexes and insecurities.

In fact, there is a small hair covering all over the body of the woman (except solely, the soles of the palms and the red edge of the lips). On the face, too, a hair is formed, and if the hair is short, bright and not rough, then there are no visible reasons for concern.

Unwanted hair on the face often appears above the upper lip and on the chin, less often in the area below the temple. In these places hair is usually longer and coarser. And if it is also black - then with such "wealth" you must certainly fight.

The causes of the appearance of facial hair

All possible causes of such an unpleasant problem are united by a common beginning, namely changes in the endocrine system of the body, that is, hair on the female face appears due to hormones. As a rule, there are two main periods in the life of women, which can cause the appearance of vegetation on the face - this is puberty and the onset of menopause. Less often there are cases when the hair on the face appears during pregnancy. Another reason can serve as diseases of the genitals, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Well, the hereditary factor should not be forgotten. Thus, we found out what are the causes of excessive vegetation on the woman's face. The type of facial skin, the skin's tendency to pigmentation, also affects this process. But in itself the tendency to the appearance of unwanted hair on the body can not be the cause of their appearance, there must still be an internal push that will be the "culprit".

The most difficult thing in this situation is that it is almost impossible to influence this process and prevent it. Since when the problem manifests itself, it is too late to take any measures, and it is necessary to fight only with the consequences, namely, to remove unwanted hair on the face.

How to get rid of facial hair?

Removal of superfluous hair on the face can be made in several ways. You can go to a specialized salon, where you are engaged in hair removal with a laser or electric current. The advantages of this procedure are obvious, it gives a lasting effect due to damage to the hair follicle. But this type of hair removal is not suitable for all women, and before you decide on it, you should consult a beautician. And, undoubtedly, the high cost of the procedure is a big disadvantage, therefore, despite the fact that such a service is known and is available for a long time, it is far from affordable for everyone.

Nevertheless, there are ways to get rid of hair at home. They can be divided into mechanical and chemical.

First, let's talk about chemical methods. These include the use of depilatory creams. The advantages are painlessness and accessibility. and depilation can be done at home on their own. The duration of the preservation of the result is medium (higher than when using a razor, but less than when pulling out the hair). The disadvantage of this type of depilation is only one - it is not suitable for everyone, and it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Mechanical methods of hair removal on the face of women are several: