Linoleum linings

Installation of floor slats for linoleum is the final stage of finishing works associated with the floor covering, so to speak - the final touch. The pads cover the joints between the individual parts of the linoleum covering and give the appearance of the floor a finished look.

The pads, installed on the joints on the linoleum, perform several tasks:

Different pins

There are different types of liners for linoleum, which differ from each other as the material used for their manufacture, and the appearance. Aluminum liners for linoleum are most in demand, due to their non-adherence to corrosion, low price, as well as the ability, with the help of lamination, to imitate bronze, gold, and wood. Aluminum pins are the most durable and wear-resistant compared, for example, with wooden or plastic ones.

If you want to design angles or steps, then you should use a special corner for the linoleum, it will, in this case, look more aesthetic. The corner sill may be corrugated, manufactured using a rubber insert in the middle for anti-slip effect, its application is very practical on the steps finished with soft, thin linoleum.