Intoxication syndrome

Intoxication syndrome is characterized as a serious condition that develops as a result of entering the bloodstream of toxic substances formed directly in the body (endointoxins) or from outside (exointoxins).

Depending on the type of pathological process, several types of intoxication are distinguished:

Symptoms of intoxication syndrome

The clinical picture of the course of intoxication depends on the etiology of the disease. So, for an intoxication syndrome at a pneumonia the pain in a thorax and a dyspnea against a background of an edema of alveoli, at a cholera - a diarrhoeia, at a botulism - a myasthenia, etc. are characteristic. But there are common symptoms of intoxication. There are 3 stages associated with the severity of intoxication.

The following signs of an intoxication syndrome are characteristic for I degree of severity:

The second stage of development of intoxication manifests itself in the form:

In Stage III, a febrile-intoxication syndrome is strongly pronounced, in addition, the patient's health deteriorates noticeably, and life is threatened. The following manifestations are noted:

Treatment of intoxication syndrome

The choice of means and methods of therapy depends on the severity of intoxication. At an easy degree are shown:

At an average severity level, along with the indicated methods, antipyretics (Paracetamol, Aspirin, metamizol sodium), adsorbents, laxatives and diuretics.

In severe cases, hospitalization of the patient is required, detoxification by intravenous administration of solutions (albumin, plasma, glucose, etc.) Widely used methods:

In addition, with infectious diseases, antimicrobial and antiviral drugs are prescribed.