Logical thinking

Most of the modern population and does not suspect how fragile, one might even say, delicate, is, not so long ago acquired, logical thinking. It's only since the middle of the last century that anthropologists have managed to determine the significant differences between "primitive" thinking and the mind of modern man.

For example, the essence of "primitive thinking" lies in the fact that it is not able to build a causal relationship and compare its findings with the available experience.

Different types of thinking are distinguished in man:

  1. Practical and theoretical.
  2. Creative and uncreative.
  3. Intuitive and logical thinking.
  4. Autistic and realistic.
  5. Visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking.
  6. Figurative-logical thinking.

Depending on mental processes, thinking is also distinguished as:

  1. Visual-effective (thinking, manipulating the objective environment).
  2. Specifically-objective (the problem is solved with the help of an existing object),
  3. Abstract-logical thinking (in animals this type is absent, it is formed in a person from 7 years old).

The highest type of thinking on the level of development is logical and verbal-logical thinking - the type of thinking that is carried out with the help of logical operations with concepts. It is formed over a long period of time (from 7 to 20 years) in the process of assimilating various concepts and logical operations in the course of experience, learning. This type of thinking is perfected throughout life.

Features of verbal-logical thinking:

  1. This thinking deals with the concepts of phenomena and objects, and not with the phenomena themselves or their images.
  2. It takes place on a mental plane.
  3. For him, it is not necessary to rely on the perceived situation.
  4. It is carried out according to specific laws, strictly following which, there are true conclusions or correct solutions of the problem under discussion, tasks.

Let's go on to a more detailed description of what logical thinking is.

Logical (analytical) thinking is a type of thinking process, during which ready concepts and logical instructions are used.>

As a rule, it is based on three signs:

  1. Temporary (the duration of the process).
  2. Structural (division into stages).
  3. The level of leaking (unconsciousness or, conversely, awareness of the decision).

That is, logical thinking has a clearly expressed structure, stages, is specifically represented in the human consciousness, and also it is deployed in time. All these features constitute the main part of logical thinking.

In psychology, the basic forms of thinking also differ:

  1. The concept (reflection in the human consciousness of the general and detailed properties of a particular object / phenomenon).
  2. Judgments (the basic form of human thinking, as a result of which the processes confirm the connections between phenomena or objects of reality or between their signs and properties).
  3. Inference (withdrawal from one / several judgments of the new judgment).

By the way, Sherlock Holmes had a very developed ability for logical thinking. He used the deductive method of thinking, which is one of the types of inference (reasoning is carried out from common factors to a single conclusion).

Development and training of logical thinking

Regardless of the fact that we are taught from a kindergarten to think within the framework of a certain program and the slightest deviation from its implementation was considered wrong, unacceptable, logical thinking can and should be developed and trained even in adulthood.

So, do not strongly discuss how to improve and increase logical thinking, you just need to solve even the most simple tasks, logical games:

The more complex your task is, and the less time it takes to solve, the faster your logical thinking will develop.