How to brew briars properly?

Rosehip is a shrub of the Rosaceae family, which is widely used in folk medicine. For the preparation of various tinctures, drinks, compresses, etc. use not only the hips, but also its leaves, branches, flowers and even roots. But still the most popular are the hips. About how to brew and drink them today and tell.

How to brew a dried rosehip correctly?

Most often talking about how to brew tea from a dogrose, it is understood that it will be brewed dry hips. How to brew tea properly in this case? There are several ways.

Method one. Getting a hipship

For this you need a thermos. If you do not have it, or it is not of suitable volume, then you can build a thermos yourself. To do this, take an ordinary jar (volume does not matter), a plastic lid and some blanket or a large towel to wrap the jar. But back to the recipe for the preparation of wild rose.

To make it, you need to take a dogrose and water in a proportion of 1:10. That is, if your thermos is designed for 1 liter, then you need to take 100 grams of dry hips. This is approximately 4 tablespoons, or about 30 berries. They must be thoroughly rinsed. And then the recipe for cooking has two alternative options for further developments.

You can take whole berries and simply pour them with boiling water. The advantage of this method is the absence of villi present within the berries. But the taste of dog rose will not be so pronounced.

Or you can grind the berries, and then in this form put them in a thermos and pour boiling water. Then the taste will be more saturated, and the fruit of the dog rose will give the maximum amount of useful substances. But there is this method of preparation and drawbacks, namely the presence of villi in the drink. In this case, before using, you need to strain the drink several times through gauze, and then drink it. And also you need to be very careful while chopping the fruits. Because villi can get on the skin, in the eyes and cause an unpleasant itch.

In the thermos insist the dog rose should be at least 7 hours. Therefore, recommend to fill the fruit in the evening, then in the morning you will get a wonderful drink.

Method two. Broth from the hips

Broth from the hips is prepared in the same proportions as the infusion. The simplest option is simply to boil the hips for 1 hour. In this case, cook them under a closed lid, and periodically add water. Then recommend to insist this drink for another few hours. But you can use it already and in this form. Be sure to strain the broth several times before gargling.

How best to brew fresh dogrose?

To obtain a healthy drink, you can also use fresh rose hips. For this you will need 2-3 table spoons of berries and 1 liter of water. First we wash the dog-rose, then knead it with a fork, or let it pass through the meat grinder. But remember that you need to be very careful with this, since the hairs can remain on the hands, in the meat grinder, get into the eyes or into another dish. Then take a half liter of boiling water and fill them with mashed fruits. Cover with saucer or lid and wrap. After 30-40 minutes, filter the water, and chopped fruit fill the remaining 500 ml of water and boil for 30 minutes. Again, filter. We connect the infusion and broth of the dogrose, and the drink is ready.

How to brew a dog rose during pregnancy or a child?

It is best to use the first way to insist on the fruit of dry dog ​​rose, and do not mash the fruits. But it should be remembered that in 10-15 berries of dog rose contains the daily norm of vitamin C. Therefore, one should not abuse this drink. And if you have prepared an infusion of 30 berries per 1 liter of water, then per day you can drink no more than one-third of the tea rose hips.

How to brew the root of the dog rose?

Broth from the roots of wild rose is prepared this way. Take 1 tablespoon of ground rose hips and 500 ml of water. Boil the dogrose for 15 minutes, then let him stand for about 10-15 minutes, and then filter.