Long dress-shirts

The wardrobe of the modern girl contains clothes of various styles and directions. Because for every reason to go out on the street you need a certain set of things. And many today include in the list of favorite wardrobe items long dresses, T-shirts. Their practicality and convenience is that they do not require additional decor elements.

Varieties of dresses, T-shirts are very many. This and everyday long knit dresses, T-shirts, and sports short dresses, and evening decorated options, and even wedding. Most fashionable girls prefer long versions of such dresses.

With what to wear a long dress-shirt?

It is worth considering that most dresses are sewed from lightweight fabrics, so only those who do not have complexes about their shape can afford such a garment. A supplement image usually with the following elements:

  1. Leather or jeans jacket is perfectly combined with a dress-shirt. In this form, you can go for an evening walk so that it's not cool. If you replace the jacket with a shirt , tying its ends down, you can get an image, suitable even for attending classes at the university.
  2. From shoes such a dress suffers anything. And shoes with heels and ordinary slates. Many people really like long dresses, T-shirts in the floor in combination with light sneakers.
  3. Accessories for such dresses can be different: glass, plastic, wooden. If the girl is planning an evening image in a long dress-shirt with a cut, for example, then a beautiful ornament will be a small pendant on a chain that will not distract attention from the legs.

Dress-shirt, of course, will not become superfluous in any modern wardrobe and will certainly please its owner with practicality, comfort, comfort and style.