A cat has a dry nose: is it worth worrying?

A dry warm nose in a cat does not necessarily indicate a disease.

If the cat has slept or has recently woken up, it will have a warm and dry nose. This is a normal reaction of the body to the inactive state of the animal. Half an hour after waking up, you need to check your cat's nose again - it can be wet. By itself, a dry nose in a cat is not a sign of a disease. The nose in cats is not at all a reliable indicator of the body temperature of the animal.

Why does the cat have a dry, hot nose?

It seems to a person that the cat has a dry and hot nose, because the temperature of the cat's body is 2 degrees higher than the person's body temperature. This difference is well felt. During active games, heat from the body evaporates (this process is well known to athletes - during the training they sweat and warm up), so when the cat is on the alert and played enough, its nose can be felt already as "wet" and hot, and even through 10 minutes already as "cold" wet. But this does not mean that these changes signal about the diseases. The nose merely transmits light, normal fluctuations in the temperature of the animal's body, which depend on its physical activity.

What should I do if the cat has a dry and hot nose, even when it is awake?

Observe the animal: has its behavior, appetite changed, does the cat require more attention to itself than usual, did not lose interest in toys. If the animal is sleeping too much, has lost the appetite, does not play, it's time to seriously think about the health of the pet. The dry nose in this case is only a confirmation that the animal is sick.

In general, a dry nose in an alert state can be in cats, even because of minor abnormalities in the body's work - due to overeating, malnutrition, stomach-clogged, light cold (all familiar cat sneezing). Usually such mild ailments pass themselves for several days or even hours.

If the cat has a dry but cold nose?

Evaporation of the mucous membrane from the nose can talk about a cold, but only if there are additional symptoms:

  1. Hot ears.
  2. Weakness and loss of appetite.
  3. Sneezing (snorting).
  4. Heat.

High temperature means not too hot or cold nose, and the thermometer readings! Cats measure the temperature of the traditional method for animals, you can use a conventional thermometer, "human", but it is necessary to hold the animal very tightly and strongly, and carefully handle the fragile glass thermometer.

The very temperature of the animal's nose can not speak of the state of his health! Only a complex of symptoms, from which the change in temperature of the nose - the last in importance, speaks of the disease of the pet.