Pylorospasm in newborns

In a newborn child, often parents can mark regurgitation after feeding, even if it was performed correctly. However, due to the violation of muscle tone, the baby may have frequent vomiting. This pathological condition is called pylorospasm.

Pylorospasm in newborns: causes

The causes of vomiting in infants may be as follows:

Pylorospasm in newborns: symptoms

If a child has difficulty in passing food through the gastrointestinal tract, the following symptoms may be present:

Pylorospasm in newborns - treatment

When diagnosing pylorospasm, the baby is shown surgical treatment. In addition, prescribe antispasmodic drugs (aminazine, pipolfen) or atropine. A young mother should reconsider the feeding regime of the child: reduce the amount of milk in one feeding, but at the same time increase the number of meals. After each feeding, keep the baby in a vertical position. When eating disorders, hospitalization in the hospital is required.

In addition, the method of diathermy is used - a hot water bottle with warm water is placed on the stomach area. On the skin in the area below the xiphoid process, mustard plasters are placed in the size of 3 centimeters.

It is necessary to take vitamins of group B2 and ascorbic acid.

The forecast is usually favorable. By three to four months of the baby this disease disappears.