A child wakes up with a cry

The crying of a child is always a signal for parents that the baby needs attention or has something to hurt. With children who already can talk, find out the cause of crying, it is much easier than with children who can not yet explain what is wrong. Especially worried about the young mothers crying children immediately after they woke up. About why the child can cry after sleep and how to calm him, we will tell further.

Why does a child cry when waking up?

Children under one year old

The reasons why small children are crying are not so many:

A small child may not eat the prescribed standard or sleep longer than usual. In such cases, in a dream, he begins to suffer from hunger and, already hungry, he wakes up. Usually, such crying begins with groans, then they become worse, the child begins to turn his head in search of a breast or bottle and if they do not find it, then the whine quickly grows into an angry cry. To calm the crying baby, it must be fed.

A child can wake up and cry deeply if in a dream he has written or pokakal. Wet diapers or diapers in this case unpleasantly pinch the skin, become cold and cause discomfort, from which the child wakes up. By his weeping he demands the return of comfortable conditions. As soon as the diapers change, and the baby's skin becomes clean, he will calm down.

A child, unnecessarily surrounded by attention, also cries when he wakes up. This crying is very easy to distinguish from other manifestations of discontent with the baby. At first, crying lasts for several seconds with interruptions for waiting, someone will come up or not. If no one is suitable then after two or three attempts to attract attention, the child begins to cry sharply. It is important for parents to keep track of these moments, and if the crying is one-off, you can approach the child immediately, and if immediate attention becomes the norm, it must be weaned out, otherwise the parents will not rest.

The child wakes up and cries suddenly in cases when it hurts. Crying is strong, it can be accompanied by grimaces on the face of the child and increased muscle tone. The kid can flex the legs and spin. Crying with pain very often begins, when the baby is still sleeping. In this case, parents need to eliminate the pain itself. Most often, the pain of babies is caused by colic, erupting teeth or a developing disease.

Children after a year

An older child can cry after a day or a night's sleep in cases where he wants to go to the toilet. Especially this applies to children who are already familiar with the pot. If the desire to go to the toilet was the cause of crying, the child can go to the pot and continue his dream further.

Another reason for crying can be nightmares. The child himself is very agitated at the same time, and crying can begin even at the moment of sleep. To calm the baby, Mom needs to hug him.