Long flight - how to spend time?

Most airlines are trying to ensure the safest and most comfortable flight to you, but no one will entertain you in it. Therefore, if you have a long flight from one continent to another, you should think and prepare in advance what you will do during it.

Due to the limited space within the aircraft, during the flight you can take time for something that is not enough time in everyday life: communication, recreation and entertainment. To help those planning a long flight by plane, we will compile a list of the most common cases that can be dealt with in flight.


Between the take-off and landing of the aircraft, the time of general rest of passengers necessarily comes, it is the most fortunate moment to wrap yourself in a given rug, put a pillow under your head, insert ear plugs and fall asleep.

If you fall asleep on the plane for you problem, you can take sleeping pills (but before that you need to consult a doctor) or before the flight to spend the night without sleep. So you will relax and the flight time will pass unnoticed.


Going on vacation somewhere for the first time, it is among the fellow travelers who have already been there, you can learn a lot of useful how to organize there leisure or among them to find a companion. Also take advantage of the "fellow traveler" effect and say what sometimes is very necessary.

To read

There are a lot of options to read on the plane: buy at the airport or take with you from the house a road version of the book, the airline's issue number (usually available to all passengers at once), an e-book. Or use the flight time with benefit, by studying a phrase book or material around the country where you are going.

Watch movie

In older models of aircrafts, the choice among passengers that there is no watch - all show one film on the big screen, and in more modern - there are, since there individual monitors are mounted in the backrest in front of the standing chairs. In order not to interfere with other passengers, individual headphones are provided for listening to the sound.

Play electronic or board games

To take the time of the flight with your favorite game, you will have to bring your tablet, game console or laptop, since most often, even if you have separate monitors, games are not provided.

Listen to music

Taking a player with you, you can have a great time on the plane, lying in an armchair, listening to your favorite music or a conversation course of the language you are studying.


Every person, in the turmoil of work and everyday problems, has non-urgent things that he does not have time to do: write a letter to a distant relative, draw up a plan for the next year or report on the work done, fill out the diary. You can even do your regular work or communicate in social networks, as some planes have wireless internet.

Eat and drink

Naturally, for long flights, passengers are fed more than once, but this food is considered to be specific, so if you do not like it, better stock up on your favorite dishes and still water. Since drinking alcohol in a plane in most airlines is already prohibited, many try to do this before departure, but it is not recommended, especially if you are flying for the first time.

Do needlework

You can easily do your favorite hobby, only you need to calculate its volume and safety in advance (it is not recommended to take voluminous and heavy ones, and it is also forbidden to take stabbing and cutting objects).

Take a walk on the plane

During the flight, except for the moments of take-off and landing, passengers are allowed to walk on the aircraft, but this should not be abused. And remember that in airplanes it is forbidden to smoke, so avid smokers should be patient, otherwise they can be taken off the voyage.