Psychological training to increase self-esteem

In the modern world, one who is shy and insecure in his abilities is unlikely to achieve high peaks in life. That is why psychological training to increase self-esteem is created in order to help solve the problems of such a person. Today there is a huge number of similar games and exercises. We will tell you about their essence.

Training to increase self-esteem

This training helps you gain self-confidence, opens the inner voice of your intuition. In doing so, you will learn to program your subconscious mind for success in life. Many people suffer from insecurity , first of all, because they believe that they are not worthy of not only the love of others, but also their own. Down with such thoughts! Remember that you should not repeat to yourself the phrase: "I'm not capable of anything. I'm stupid, "etc. Love yourself is not to show selfishness. It means showing respect. The one who is able to love himself, retains a sense of dignity, while not allowing anyone to humiliate himself.

Exercise to increase self-esteem

  1. Begin to treat yourself well. In case you are not satisfied with something in your appearance, try to change it. You do not need to spend a lot of money on this process. The main thing with love is to approach such changes.
  2. Realize what you have long wanted. Remember that time waits for no one and does not regret.
  3. Do not assure yourself that you never get anything done. Take for yourself the rule of daily to repeat purely feminine affirmations : "I am very beautiful. Clever. Attractive. " Persuade yourself more and more each time. Soon your actions will radiate confidence and success.

Meditation for increasing self-esteem

For those who do not deny the eastern culture, the following recommendations will work:

  1. Sit comfortably. Relax.
  2. Take a few deep breaths and exhalations.
  3. Imagine yourself the way you always wanted to be. Imagine the ideal self.
  4. Imagine yourself that you are a celebrity, that you are in the title role in the film and at its premiere you are applauding standing.
  5. Imagine that you were given a banquet in your honor.
  6. Imagine that you are sitting in your own luxurious office, with the inscription "President of the company" on the door.
  7. Complete meditation with affirmation: "I feel more capable. My mind is relaxed and peaceful. "

Self-training for self-esteem

Do not forget that everything that you say about yourself remembers your subconscious. It does not recycle what it hears, it records like a film. So watch your thoughts. Try to think and talk about yourself only positive. Remember that only you are able to create yourself. Listen only to yourself. Look for only positive aspects in yourself and increase your self-esteem with every day.