Scleroplasty of the eye

Scleroplasty is performed on the eyes to strengthen the sclera of the eyeball (the outer shell of the eye). Scleroplasty is considered not only medical, but also cosmetic surgery. It stops the increase in the size of the eyeball, which appears due to myopia, that is, short-sightedness.

Indications for scleroplasty

Today myopia is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases. Myopia is the cause of vision impairment in 44% of patients. Myopia can lead to the following complications:

Such complications can cause eyeballs. This is what causes the sclera-strengthening operation.

Scleroplasty of the eye is one of the main methods of treatment of developing myopia, as well as the prevention of myopia and chorioretinal dystrophies. Unfortunately, this ophthalmic operation can stop the progression of the eye disease, but is not able to improve eyesight. Therefore, it is necessary to do it to people with progressive myopia , when myopia increases more than one diopril per year.

Contraindications to scleroplasty

The operation of scleroplasty, like other facts of medical intervention, has contraindications, which your doctor must take into account. There are several of them:

It is also not recommended to perform surgery for children under eight years old.

How do scleroplasty of the eyes?

Like all ocular operations on the eye, scleroplasty is a very complicated operation. During it, doctors inject a special scleroplastic tissue into the back of the eye. This is done through small cuts. Further, the inserted strips are soldered to the sclera, thereby strengthening the posterior wall of the eye. This helps to improve the blood supply to the eyeball and prevent its growth. Which is the main task of the operation.

Complications after scleroplasty

Unfortunately, scleropalcology before the eyes can have negative consequences. They can consist in the manifestation of an allergy to the scleroplastic tissue, so the quality of the materials is very important. Also, the forward bias of the scleroplastic tissue is permissible, as a result of which it appears as a small swelling under the conjunctiva. At high visual loads after the operation, strabismus and astigmatic effect may appear.