Why do my eyes hurt?

Stitching or cutting pain in the eye can be caused by the mote, eyelash, strong cold wind and snow. In such situations, it is sufficient to eliminate the external provoking factor and discomfort quickly disappear. If there are no visible reasons why the eyes are sore, it is better to immediately consult an ophthalmologist, since unpleasant sensations can be the first symptoms of the development of dangerous diseases.

Why do my eyes turn red and sore?

Hyperemia and pain syndrome, especially acute, with pronounced lacrimation and deterioration of visual acuity, arises for the following reasons:

As you can see, the factors that can cause the problem under consideration are too many for attempts to independently diagnose yourself, that's why you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Why do my eyes hurt with cold and heat?

The heat usually accompanies infectious diseases, such as ARVI and ARI. Pain in the eyes in this case arises because of the general intoxication of the body.

Bacteria and viruses release toxic products of vital activity, which, with blood and lymph, penetrate into all tissues and muscles, including oculomotor. In addition, at a high temperature, the immune system is activated. Because of this, local inflammatory processes can occur in the organs of vision.

In addition to these reasons, the pain syndrome appears in response to infections of the sinuses of the nose and mouth, for example, sinusitis or pharyngitis, often developing as complications of acute respiratory disease and ARVI.

Why do my eyes ache from the computer and the bright light?

This phenomenon is explained by visual fatigue or the so-called "dry eye" syndrome.

Pathology arises from the prolonged overstrain of the muscles of the organs of vision, as well as the constant need to focus. As a result - a violation of blood circulation in the eyes, oxygen deficiency, insufficient wetting of the surface of the eyeball, microscopic ruptures of small blood vessels.