Reduced acidity of the stomach - treatment

With gastritis and gastroduodenitis, the secretory function of the stomach can be disturbed by changes in the amount of cells that produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) against the background of mucositis inflammation. If their number decreases, which happens in the late stages of these diseases, there is a decreased acidity of the stomach, the treatment of which should not be postponed due to possible complications.

What is the danger of reduced secretion?

Hydrochloric acid, contained in gastric juice, is designed to fight bacteria and parasites that enter the digestive tract with food. If its concentration is small, the risk of developing intestinal infections and fungal diseases is great.

Also, against the background of a decreased secretion, digestion of food is disrupted, because of what the proteins are broken down, vitamins and microelements are not digested. All this leads to anemia (anemia) and weight loss, affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Because of the constant fermentation in the digestive tract accumulate decay products and toxins, which poison the body as a whole.

Diagnosis of reduced gastric acidity

The doctor evaluates the symptoms of the reduced acidity of the stomach sounded by the patient and prescribes treatment based on the analysis data. Level is taken into account:

The acidity and total composition of the gastric juice is determined by sensing, fibroadastroduodenoscopy and ultrasound of the stomach are performed.

Principles of therapy

  1. To stimulate the secretion with reduced acidity of the stomach, prescribe drugs limonar, pentagastrin, etizol, proserin, calcium gluconate, cytochrome C, histaglobulin.
  2. Substitution therapy consists in taking pepsidil, pepsin, abomin, acid-pepsin, panzinorma. Enzymes of gastric juice and diluted hydrochloric acid are often prescribed.
  3. To eliminate exacerbation with reduced acidity of the stomach, it is appropriate to use pills that remove spasms (Drotaverin or No-shpa, Spasmol), as well as Venter (heals ulcers), Metoclopramide, Clometol, Cerucal (relieve nausea and vomiting ).
  4. The culprit of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (helicobacter pylori), for the control of which antibiotics are prescribed (doxycycline, omeprazole, amoxicillin , tinidazole).
  5. It is necessary in the treatment of low secretion and the intake of vitamin complexes (pangexavit, folic acid).
  6. As folk remedies with reduced acidity of the stomach use honey; decoctions of wormwood, mint, ayr marsh. Do not forget about the diet: in the diet should not be too fatty and protein-rich foods, as well as fermenting food (milk, apricot, grapes, prunes, buns).