Inflammation of the oral mucosa

Gum bleeding and bad breath testify not to the need to replace toothpaste, but that inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity develops. In the early stages of this pathology occurs almost without symptoms, but in the future can lead to irreversible changes in tissues and even loss of the dentition.

Causes of inflammation of the oral mucosa

The factors provoking such processes in the tissues of the periodontal are very numerous:

What diseases occur with inflammation of the oral mucosa?

The considered pathology is considered not an independent disease, but only a symptom signaling the presence of the following diseases:

Than to treat an inflammation of a mucous mouth?

The methods of the therapeutic approach directly depend on the cause that caused the pathological process.

In case of fungal lesions (candidiasis, thrush), systemic preparations (Fluconazole, Fucis) and local remedies (alkaline solutions, Metrogil Denta) are recommended that prevent the reproduction of microorganisms.

If the bacterium becomes a provoking factor, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic (Azithromycin, Clindamycin, Erythromycin) after performing the smear and determining the sensitivity of the microbes to the drugs.

Infection with the virus suggests a long-term complex treatment regimen using immunomodulators and antiviral drugs based on interferon (Cycloferon, Viferon).

Other, more serious, diseases are subject to the elaboration of detailed individual therapy plans using modern technologies (laser, radio wave effect).

Alternative treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa

To accelerate recovery and improve your well-being, you can use folk recipes:

  1. Rinse mouth with freshly squeezed potato juice.
  2. Chewing the leaves of aloe and calanchoe.
  3. Washing of mucous flowers with decoction of chamomile flowers, oak bark , calendula marigolds, walnut leaves.

These methods do not relieve inflammation, but contribute to the relief of unpleasant symptoms.