What are hormones, and what is important to know about them?

The question of what hormones are, can come before a person only after the absence or lack of these active substances will lead to serious health consequences. Before that, few people think about these compounds, present in the body in scant amounts, but playing a very serious role.

What are hormones and where are they formed?

To understand what hormones are in humans, you need to know their definition and classification. These are biologically active compounds that are produced in very small amounts, but this is sufficient for the desired effect. The substances do not last long, they are regulated by the nervous system and other active compounds, which, if necessary, stimulate or reduce their production.

The overwhelming amount of hormones is produced in special organs - glands of internal or mixed secretion. Together with all this is a unified system. In addition, hormones are produced by the liver, kidneys, placenta, GIT, fat cells. Hormonal glands:

What are hormones - types of chemical composition:

What are hormones, how do they work?

The secretion is designed to regulate the body's processes - it can be compared with keys that move through the circulatory system and "open the doors" - activate the functions. What function is activated in this or that way depends on the "specialization" and the amount of a substance. Not without reason with the Greek word "hormone" is translated as "induce" or "excite".

What is the hormonal effect:

The development of hormones is actively influenced by a variety of external and internal factors:

Hormones of the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are a pair of glands located above the kidneys. The brain substance, which is inside the adrenal glands, produces stress hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine. Their function is to increase the number of heartbeats, increase blood pressure, increase metabolism. The adrenal cortex produces several groups of substances responsible for many areas:

Pituitary Hormones

The pituitary gland is a small gland, reminiscent of a bean. What is pituitary hormones are the active substances produced by the posterior or anterior lobe of the gland, responsible for most of the vital functions of the body by regulating the activity of many other endocrine glands. The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland secrete oxytocin, which is responsible for contraction of the uterus during labor, milk production, and vasopressin, controlling diuresis.

The pituitary hormone (anterior lobe) of the somatotropin affects the growth of bones, muscles and organs. Melanostimulating hormone - responsible for skin pigmentation, metabolism, lactation. In addition, the anterior pituitary gland secrete substances responsible for:

Hormones of the hypothalamus

Hypothalamus is the central gland of the endocrine system located at the base of the brain. Hormones of the hypothalamus have a direct effect on the pituitary: statins reduce its activity, liberins - strengthen. As a consequence, these secrets also affect the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, the sex glands. In addition, the hypothalamus produces hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. The action of some hormones of the hypothalamus is not clear.

Hormones of the pancreas

The pancreas is an organ of mixed secretion, located in the retroperitoneal space. In addition to secretion, the pancreas secretes a digestive enzyme, which is necessary for the breakdown of food in the stomach. The main hormones of the pancreas:

Thyroid gland hormones

Thyroid (international name - thyroid) iron - an organ that actively participates in the regulation and coordination of processes occurring in all human organs. It is called the "main violin" in the orchestra of signals of various nature in the body. When asked what thyroid hormones are, you can answer in one word - this is life, without them the functioning of the body is impossible.

The thyroid gland was studied by doctors who lived many centuries ago, and already then they noticed the dependence of its size on the amount of iodine used. In addition, the size and health of the body depends largely on age, sex, climate, place of residence, food predilections, the presence or absence of bad habits, radioactive background, and the intake of certain medications.

The main hormones of the thyroid gland are triiodothyronine (contains 3 iodine molecules) and tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (contains 4 iodine molecules), abbreviated as T3 and T4. In the body, T4 is converted to T3, which is the most responsible for metabolic processes. With an iodine depleted diet, the synthesis of thyroid hormones ceases. In addition, iodine is also needed for the formation of other important substances - dopamine, adrenaline. The production of thyroid hormones is controlled by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, as well as the brain.

The effect of hormones of the thyroid gland:

Parathyroid hormones

The parathyroid gland is located behind the thyroid, and consists of several pairs of asymmetric bodies - from 2 to 6. Parathyroid hormones are responsible for metabolism (parathyroid hormone) and concentration in the blood of calcium (parathyroid hormone). The parathyroid gland has receptors, with a decrease in the level of calcium stimulating the release of parathyroid hormone, and it - enhances the absorption of the element in the blood and slows the process of its withdrawal with urine.

Hormones of gonads

Male and female sex hormones determine all the areas associated with the birth of offspring: puberty, the production of spermatozoa and eggs, pregnancy, lactation and so on. Estrogens and androgens are produced by the same biochemical mechanism, but vary greatly in functionality. What are hormones in women and their role in the formation of the female body:

  1. Under the influence of pituitary hormones during puberty, girls begin to develop estrogen and progesterone.
  2. Female hormones cause the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation, prepare the woman's body for pregnancy and childbirth.

What are male hormones and their role in the male body:

  1. Under the influence of the pituitary gland during puberty, boys start to develop male hormones, the main one of which is testosterone.
  2. Male hormones cause the development of secondary sexual characteristics of men - development of the body according to the male type, coarsening of the voice, development of the genitals, growth of hair on the face and body, the production of spermatozoa.

How to determine the level of hormones?

To determine the level of secretion, you need to contact an endocrinologist who can identify its deficiency or an overabundance and prescribe adequate therapy. The most accurate and affordable way to find out your hormonal status is to take a blood test for hormones. For the result to be accurate, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions before the test - some fences of samples are taken in the morning on an empty stomach, others - within 24 hours.

What is hormonal failure?

An occasion to address to the endocrinologist there can be a hormonal failure is infringements in job of all endocrine system. Negative consequences have both a deficiency and an overabundance of hormones. The reason for this is a number of factors, since the correct operation of the endocrine system is the result of the most complex interaction of the central nervous system and endocrine glands.

Symptoms of hormonal failure can be: